11. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦

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"Soo ya got anythin' yet?" inquired Applejack, her gaze sweeping the surroundings in tandem with Bulkhead's focused search for the escaped criminal.

The bulkier giant slipped down cautiously from a rocky hill, where he had positioned himself in hopes of gaining a vantage point, only for their target to remain unfound, "Nah, not really. But don't worry I think we are close. That 'Con must here somewhere." he reassured with confidence as they trudged on through the rugged wilderness. Pondering their mission, Bulkhead shifted the conversation, "By the way, what are your thoughts on Jackie so far?" the question lingered in the crisp mountain air, adding a touch of curiosity to their ongoing pursuit.

Applejack smirked a bit and remarked, "Quite the competition. But he seems like a friendly fella to hang out with."

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. He is kinda rough and riskier than me." her guardian slightly stroked the back of his helm and let out a short laugh, remembering a particular event, "One time, he almost blew up the entire base on accident because of his grenades."

"He got grenades too?" she raised an optical-ridge.

"What can I say?" Bulkhead shrugged casually, "Jackie loves explosions as much as slicing 'Cons with his katanas."

During their stroll, Applejack found herself lost in contemplation about her progress. After a moment of introspection, she mustered the courage to ask a question that had been weighing on her mind, "Do ya think I'm getting' better?"

"With what exactly?" turned to look at her.

"Y'know... with controllin' this form, my fighting skills and... usin' this new weapon I just found out I have in me." she directed to one of her arms.

Bulkhead chuckled warmly, "Are you serious? Of course you are. I mean, you still need a little bit more practice but the way you were fighting was amazing. Have you fought like this against someone before?"

"Uh..." the country girl tried to think of the times when she and her friends had an encounter with a few opponents, the memory of them fighting against one of Micro Chip's science experiments which turned into a giant evil toaster was the first thing that popped into her mind but she decided not to bring it up since it sounded weird, "...Kinda?" she replied, awkwardly shrugging.

"Then I must admit that even for a first time you made a very good impression. And who knows, maybe you can become one of the wreckers if you keep that up. Betcha even our leader Magnus wouldn't mind."

"Wait-" she managed to utter, her eyes widening out of shock, "Ultra Magnus is yer leader? He is a wrecker too?!"

"Our chief doesn't seem like one, I know. But although he is a following-the-rules type of guy, ya haven't seen him in action. He is one of the best-skilled wreckers out there."

"Huh, who could've thought." she responded, still trying to process the shocking information she just received, "You... really think I can join fellas like you? I ain't exactly a full Cybertronian, sugarcube." the femme gave him a small uncertain smile.

Feeling a strong sense of camaraderie towards her, the green mech reassuringly clasped a gentle grip on her shoulder, "Hey, you are part of this family, human or robot, it doesn't matter. I don't see a problem having someone like you with us, in fact, I think you're one of the strongest individuals I know, you will wreck those troublemakers up with ease."

She snorted, appreciating the kind compliment, "Thanks." suddenly, their movements came to an abrupt halt as they both heard peculiar noises up ahead. With a shared understanding of the need for caution, they crouched down, "Ya heard that?" Applejack whispered, seeking confirmation from Bulkhead, who gestured for her to stay close as they stealthily pursued the mysterious sounds. After cautiously approaching, they took a peek from a few large boulders that were concealing their presence, only to see a small village in the middle of nowhere, it seemed like it was abandoned for quite a long while.

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