14. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵

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[Author's note]

Nearly 6000 words... holy guacamole.( _)

Can't believe I finished this at the end of the month too, haha.

Thank you for reading!


Bumblebee surged through the large woodland, his sleek form a blur amidst the towering trees. The urgent thrum of his engine echoed through the verdant expanse, a witness to his unwavering firmness. Each twist and turn of the rugged terrain was met with precision, as he pressed onward with a sense of urgency that pulsed through his circuits. As he raced through the dappled shadows, Bumblebee's processors whirred with anticipation, the weight of responsibility resting heavily upon his metallic frame. He couldn't afford to be late-not when the life of his charge hung in the balance. The forest seemed to stretch endlessly around him, its tangled undergrowth and gnarled branches threatening to ensnare him at every turn. Yet, Bumblebee pressed on undeterred, his senses attuned to the slightest sign of danger. With a sharp turn, he veered off the main path onto a rough trail, the scent of earth and pine filling his sensors.

Finally, the cave loomed into view. Bumblebee quickly came to a stop and transformed into his robot form. As he ran inside, his optics scanned the area for any sign of movement. He plunged into the depths, his spark burning bright with the hope that she was still somewhere here.

His glance settled on the imposing figure of Predaking, sprawled upon the rocky surface behind the electrical bars of his cell. Though the predacon's back was turned, it appeared as if he was in a state of recharge, but for Bumblebee, there was no room for hesitation or concern for the beast's rest. He approached the cell, "Where is she, predacon?!" his words echoed off the cavern walls.

Bumblebee's frustration surged as Predaking offered little more than a dismissive glance before resuming his seemingly serene rest. The lieutenant's patience frayed, "Hey, I'm talking to you!" he exclaimed with a hint of righteous anger, yet, the predacon remained unmoved. After no response, the lieutenant let out a silent curse and opened the bars, alerting the creature. When his attention was fully on the intruding Autobot, his gaze fell upon the Decepticon Hunter gripped tightly in his servo, "Answer me right now or I will-!" his demand was interrupted by the predacon's shifting form, his massive frame twisting as he transformed into his robot mode.

With a sharp grunt of pain, Predaking stumbled, a wounded growl escaping his vocalizer as he collapsed to the ground. Despite the agony, his optics blazed with defiance, his words a guttural snarl of indignation, "You dare threaten me, insect?!" he roared, his pride wounded but his spirit unbroken in the face of Autobot's relentless pursuit of answers.

As Predaking grasped his wound, Bumblebee held his staff steady, its pointed end mere inches from the predacon's face. The yellow mech's optics narrowed, his grip on the weapon unwavering, "I do. And I will make sure it hurts even more if you don't tell me where Fluttershy is." he threatened.

The bigger mech kept looking at him with both fury and confusion while struggling to maintain his composure, "You think I would know?" he retorted.

"She came here to see you without my permission," Bumblebee replied as he kept his stance, the pointed end of his weapon still poised in front of his adversary.

"No one has come to see me, foolish Autobot. Not after you locked me here."

"I don't know why she wanted to hide you from us and help you so bad," he spoke, causing Predaking's gaze to widen in surprise, "but what I know for sure is that you cannot be trusted."

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