Chapter 6

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The cold air was beginning to get to me, but I was staying if Mel needed to stay. She wasn't saying much, but I could feel her hurt. The more time I've spent with Melione over these past few days, the more I've been able to tune in to how she was feeling. Maybe it's the twin thing. She takes a few steps forward, out of Rune's embrace. We stay still and allow her to make her way to the water. It looked like she was following something. The fire still burns bright off in the distance, no sign of it being extinguished. When I cried, I felt a heavy burden off my chest. I wished the same for Mel. If she would just let it go, she would feel better. Maybe she needed space. Perhaps, this is what she was doing as she made her way to an empty log at the shore. I was about to say something to Rune and initiate one of our first conversations in days when I noticed Melione place her hands on her head as if she were blocking out sound.

I stare curiously, then turn my gaze to Rune. He gives me a look that is drowning in uneasiness. We both turn our gazes back to Melione in time to see her fall to her knees, tiara tumbling towards the waves. 

"Oh no!" I gasped in a hushed whisper.

 I step to run to her, when I feel Rune's hand on my bodice, holding me back. 

"Just wait." He whispers in my direction. 

He must be thinking what I'm thinking. She's grieving and letting it all out. She crawls in the direction of her Tiara and grasps ahold of it. Relief washes over me. Not that the tiara is that important, but at the same time, it is. Then without warning, as if by some invisible force, Melione is forced onto her back and a scream rips from Meliones lungs. 

I've never heard a scream like hers before. Not even from myself. The scream was drowning in terror and fear. She was wailing her arms in the air, fighting off something unseen. My eyes darted everywhere in the darkness to find this attacker and I couldn't see anything. Rune takes off first, and I follow behind as best I can. I hear the thunder of footsteps from the other covenant members close behind coming back from the carriages. When we reach Melione, Rune takes her into his arms and cradles her until she calms down. Her eyes are wide with panic. Scratches are covering her face, arms, throat, and legs. Everywhere. I look at her surroundings. There's nothing but this log and sand. No branches, no animal that I could see that would do this to her. 

"What did you see!" Rune demands. 

He pulls her in closer. She closes her eyes and I see her body begin to relax. 

"Did you not see her?" She whimpers. 

I take a step back. I look down the beach in both directions. 

"See who Mel. We didn't see anything." I say. 

The covenant finally arrives. 

"Where is the danger?" The leader barks. 

"Dismiss yourselves. I have this handled." Rune orders.

 They take their leave but don't leave our sight. 

"Melione, what did you see?" He asks again softly. 

She takes a deep breath and winces in pain. "There was wind and a fucking bird that wouldn't shut up! Are you saying you didn't see her come out of the water!?" She exclaims harshly.

 I shake my head. "We didn't see anything but you and your tiara fall. That was it." I say somberly. 

Her grief must be affecting her. She looks at me in disbelief. When she turns to Rune, her eyes begging him to say something to validate her, he lowers his head. 

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