Chapter 8

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It was time. I watched from the terrace as carriages arrived, one after another. Some arrived by horse, and others by carts from the village. This ball was for everyone in Eythora. It was a night to celebrate the life of the Queen and the big reveal of the two princesses. While everyone was piling into the ballroom, enjoying music and the hors d'oeuvres, I sat on this terrace taking in the way the castle looked at night with lanterns flickering against the snow. Hours earlier I was excited about tonight. I am eager to meet more people and enjoy the things that freedom has to offer. Yet, after our council meeting with Eiran, I'm more eager for this night to be over. I think back to that meeting and the shock on everyone's faces when Eiran made a threat in the direction of Melione. 

"Melione, I've heard that accepting Rune's proposal is not on your agenda for the night?" He states. 

Melione straightens her shoulder as if she's preparing for a fight. 

"That is correct. I don't think it's necessary." She canters. 

Eiran laughs, echoed by Arik. 

"And what experience in this court do you have to give you that idea?" He inquired. "Because if I'm not mistaken, you've spent only the last two years gallivanting with your boyfriend pretending to be some covenant warrior. Not a member of this court." He aggressively states. 

Meliones face flashes in anger. "That is not my fault and you know it. She wouldn't allow me." Melione growls back at him. 

Eiran turns on his heel, waving her off and taking a seat in the large center chair. 

"Regardless, you seem to think Uttara is a better fit for the throne, is that so?" He asks. 

Melione shakes her head in agreeance. I feel like I want to slink into the shadows and not be seen. 

"Uttara, how do you feel about this matter?" Eiran asks me. 

I take a deep breath. I hadn't thought about it. I feel less qualified than Melione, only on the count that my freedom was granted 6 days ago and hers 2 years. But maybe he was right. She has spent her freedom, living a free life free of worry and I've spent my captivity learning. Learning about the Gods and the realms. Learning about the history of our kingdom and those surrounding us. 

"I feel that with more preparation, I could perform whatever duties asked of me," I say. 

Eiran closes his eyes in thought. Sylvie takes a stressed breath and leans forward in her chair. As if she knew what was about to come.

"So you would say duty is important to you?" Arik asks. This is the first time he has spoken to me. I stare at him, slightly shocked. 

"Well, yes. I am willing to do what is asked of me." I state. 

"Stop. I see where this is going." Rune interjects. "It's not happening." He says. 

I look at him with strained confusion. Does he think I can't do it? Is Melione the only one that has any faith in me? Or is it that she just really doesn't want to do this so she's pushing the responsibility onto me? 

Eiran stands up abruptly. "You forget who is in charge Rune. Even when you sit on that Throne, you answer to the council." He barks. 

"Oh really? Because I don't remember that being the case with Queen Czarina. This is not what she would want for her daughters and you know that." He challenges. 

Eiran has a brief lapse of self-preservation as anger flashes across his face. 

"Watch yourself Rune. There is old magic still within these walls, and you don't want to be on the wrong side of it. You will take the throne by proxy and if Melione does not accept your proposal this evening, it will be Uttara standing by your side at the altar." He threatens. 

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