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  Chapter 006

  On the third day after signing the contract, Qin Yu Jue took the time to return to her home City, Liuchuan.

  Because today is her mother's birthday.

  It only takes more than an hour from Tong City to Liuchuan City by high-speed train.

  When she got home, Qin's mother was busy preparing lunch.

    When she heard the door open, she said without looking back: "Yu Yu is back. Go and divide the cake on the table into two pieces for your father and me,  elder sister."

  Qin Yu Jue put down the things in her hands, nodded, walked to the coffee table, cut two pieces of cake, put them on a plate, and then placed them on the cabinet in front of the photos of Qin Jie Li and her father.

  She looked at it quietly for a while, then leaned down and said softly: "Dad, sister, I'm back."

  No matter what holiday it is or whose birthday it is, her mother will always remember her sister and father.

  It's as if they are still there.

  "Is work still hard during this period?"

  After Qin's mother finished her work, she wiped the water on her hands with her apron, walked to Qin Yu Jue, looked her up and down, stretched out her hand to hold her face, and said with some distress in her tone: "Look, she has lost weight."

  Qin Yu Jue smiled and held the back of Qin's mother's hand: "What, my manager also said that I need to lose some weight recently."

  "Why lose weight? You don't need your body for filming."

  Qin's mother pinched Qin Yu Jue's face angrily, then raised her hand and patted her back: "Go to the room and rest. I'll call you when the meal is ready."


  Qin Yu Jue smiled, rested on Qin's mother's shoulder and coquettishly, then stretched out and prepared to go back to the bedroom to take a nap.

  When passing through the corridor, she found that the door of Qin Jie Li's room was open, as if for ventilation.

  The things inside are neatly arranged and spotless.

    Even the flowers on the desk are still fresh, as if the people in this room are still there.

  Qin's mother once said: "If those of us who are alive still don't remember them, I'm afraid they are really gone."

  So she has kept these things for so many years and never put them away.

  It's like she doesn't want to forget.

  Inexplicably, the tip of Qin Yu Jue's nose felt a little sore.

  She took a deep breath and walked in.

  There is a diary on the bookcase.

     It is Qin  Jie Li's diary during her lifetime.

     The paper inside the pages is wrinkled and it looks like it has been read many times.

  Qin Yu Jue reached out and took it off, sat on the bed and turned the page——

  【2008.7.9 I met a person and wanted to try my best to get closer to him. This is my selfish intention. X, his last name, I want to write him into the diary. 】

  【2008.11.12 He remembers my name. 】

  【2008.12.21 He responded to my feelings. This should be the warmest winter I have ever experienced. 】

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