Part 67

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Chapter 067

The little girl who is chasing.

This sentence is like stuffing lemons into someone.

There are a few staff members who eat melons who are so sour that their cheeks are hurting.

If it weren't for the very tense atmosphere at the scene, they even wanted to open a live broadcast for the majority of netizens to eat a mouthful of lemons.

Today is more than yesterday, and he wants to penetrate Qin Yu Jue

She hasn't seen him for a year, and Xie Yan Chi is still tired of it.

Not only did the arrogance not decrease in the slightest, but it also intensified, leaving people speechless with a single sentence.

Seeing this, the secretary was ready to take Qin Yu Jue: "Miss Qin, I still hope that you can shoot normally according to the contract."

Qin Yu Jue ignored him at all, and raised her hand to blow her nails slowly.

When she's stupid?

Although she was angry with Xie Yan Chi, she was not so stupid that she knew that he was helping her and slapped him in the face.

"Miss Qin!"

Seeing that she didn't answer, the assistant raised her voice and shouted again.

Qin Yu Jue raised her eyelids at this time, and said in a tone of voice: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm a soft-hearted person, although He is just a suitor, I still care about his feelings. He gave me the clothes, and when I took them off, people would be sad. "

The secretary was quiet.

He Huai Qing even wanted to applaud.

It is worthy of Qin Yu Jue, who vividly interprets the fearlessness and kicking his nose on his face.

At that moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the hallway.

Immediately afterwards, Xie He Chen walked around surrounded by a group of people.

He still looked gentle and elegant on his face, and when he looked at Xie Yan Chi, there was no wave in his eyes: "Second brother, why don't you say a word to the family when you come back, I also specially prepared a dinner, I want to pick you up and wash the dust."


Xie Yan Chi chuckled, "I'm afraid I don't have this time."

Xie He Chen sighed: "Second brother, are you still blaming me?"

"That's not true, but lately I've been busy pleasing the little girl," Xie Yan Chi tilted his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile in his words, "So, I really don't have time."

The staff present nervously watched this epic struggle, and at the same time felt sour in their hearts.

Everyone can see that Xie Yan Chi's joking words don't mean to be picky.

He really put Qin Yu Jue on the tip of his heart.

He doesn't hide it at all.

Xie He Chen laughed a few times, and then spoke: "Second brother, the shooting plan was set by the planning team, and it took a huge amount of manpower to conceive it. I'm afraid it's not good, and Miss Qin has had a similar style of shooting before. Big brother can see that you like her, but you still have to focus on the big picture. "

"That's right," Xie Yan Chi stood up lazily, walked in front of him and stopped, and then leaned over to look him in the eyes, "I'm sorry, I've been quite rebellious since I was a child, and I don't listen to persuasion."

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