Chapter One

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The crowd roared behind me as Bennett grabbed a hold of the ball flying towards him. He caught it with so much precision I found myself grinning from ear to ear at such a mundane thing to do, to me that is. Without further ado, he lunged towards the end zone as he swiftly dodged the opposition deftly coming at him.

"Go, Bennett,  go!" I winced as screams from beside me pierced through my ears, disorienting me for a second. I snuck a glance at where the sound came from and it suddenly made sense. Just a few feet away were the school's cheerleaders, headed by the one and only; Emily Sinclair. Her perfectly blonde hair swished from side to side and I found myself staring at her way longer than I planned to.

Shimmery make-up complemented her ruby-colored lips as she wore the widest grin the human face could produce. The fuzzy ends of her huge pom-poms tickled parts of her neck and collarbone as she hopped from one foot to the other,  doing well to cover the extravagant v-neckline of her cheerleading outfit that showed too much skin if you asked me.

But that was the point, no one ever asked me….

"Goal!" Another ear-deafening sound cut my mini scrutiny of Emily short. I pulled my eyes back to the game so I could figure out what just happened and a huge smile grazed my lips when I found out. We won! And the winning touchdown was scored by none other than Bennett.

"Bennett! Bennett!" A good number of students in the stadium seemed to be yelling at the top of their voices as his teammates hauled him up onto their shoulders, joy carefully etched into their facial features.

In a flash, I saw his helmet fly off his head; one of the tigers had knocked it off.

Yes, the school's football team was known as the MAL-U Tigers.

"Go, Tigers, go!" more cheers erupted from the crowd as a replay of Bennett's touchdown filled the screen. We didn't just win the game, we beat the opposition by a whopping 32 - 31.

"Go, Tigers, go!"

Amidst the chaos, I tried to lock eyes with the man of the hour and I grinned when I eventually did. I watched Bennet's blue eyes light up the moment he laid them on me and I waved slightly, a pink tint circling my cheeks.

Call me crazy, but my breath hitched in my throat as I made out the words on Bennet's lips.

" Hold on a sec, I wanna go see my girl." And true to his words, he did. Another round of cheers and whoops filled the air as he rode on his teammates, till he was at the end of the pitch.

A metal railing divided the field from the rest of the stadium and no one else was allowed to be in the empty lot between the field and the seats, except the cheerleaders and well; me.

Ever since I started attending every one of Bennett's games, he'd arranged a special booth for me, just so I could watch him up close and no one went against him.

I could run into the game just to give him a hug or a really shy kiss and no one would say a thing. But I couldn't do that, it would risk his chances of being recruited by top teams in the state, even in the country too.

" Hey, you." His velvety voice had me turning my attention back to him. The crowd went silent as I became aware of the pairs of eyes that stared at us, literally drinking in our every action.

Beads of sweat lined his forehead as he ran a hand through his hair, but I didn't mind. I still found him hot as hell. Hotter even.

My cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as I pouted, hoping it would unfurl the knots in my stomach. It didn't work.

That was the kind of effect Bennett had on me.

"You were amazing out there." I breathed, my voice a tiny whisper, but he heard me. His deep smile confirmed that. " Really amazing."

"Yeah?" He grinned, a boyish smile on his lips. "But I know something that can top that, do you want to know?"

"Yes!" The answer resounded all around us and we let out a laugh. Bennett's head tilted to the side as he asked a question only I understood and in response, I gave a small nod.

I gently pressed my eyes closed as Bennett's face drew closer, courtesy of his friends still holding on to him. I didn't have to wait for long as his lips crashed onto mine in only a matter of seconds.

Whistles and cheers buzzed all around me as Bennett did his thing, his lips slowly moving over mine. I felt him smile as we reluctantly pulled apart, before facing the outside world again.

An image behind him caught my eye and I instantly realized that the camera connected to the main screen was trained on us the whole time.

Oh, holy shit.

More cheers echoed around as the tigers whooped, each man slapping Bennett in the arm, all in good nature of course.

Eventually, they let him down on his two feet as the crowd slowly began to disperse, even the recruiters who were huddled together at the far end of the field.

"That was amazinggg!" Emily beat me to it as she squealed, the moment Bennett scaled the railing to the other side. " I just knew you would win."

"Of course." He wrapped his hand around my shoulder, before placing a kiss to the side of my head. " I had my lucky flower with me."

"Bennett, that's enough., I muttered under my breath as I blushed furiously, praying to God that my cheeks wouldn't start melting halfway. "You're embarrassing me."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way." A foreign voice came from behind us. "If you're done embarrassing yourselves, could you please exit the field? I need to practice."

Even before we spun around to put a face to the voice, I already knew who it was. In fact, we already knew.

"Hey, Cameron!" Bennett  beamed at the sight of the man in front of him, a stoic expression on his face. "Where have you been?"

" It's none of your business." I couldn't be the only one who felt the tension these two radiated. You could basically see it in their eyes, at least,  Cameron's Anyway. " Now move."

"Come on, man." Bennett's smile was evergreen. "That's no way to talk to your brother…"

"Step. Brother." Cameron never failed to correct him and if that wasn't the truth, there was no way both of them could be brothers.

While Bennett's hair shone in the sunlight, Cameron's jet-black hair had its own shine, making it a perfect combo with his green eyes. While Bennet rocked his pale skin, Cameron's tan skin held more than a dozen pictures of black ink swirled across his body, from his neck, down to his fingertips too.

"Something caught your fancy, princess?" I froze at the question he threw at me. "I caught you staring."

"I.." his voice had caught me off guard, and it didn't even help that his British accent was spot on. " Not exactly…."

" Easy now, brother." Cameron  glared as Bennett stepped in, his hand sliding down my arm to slip in between my fingers. " Don't take this out on Alyssa."

"You're still doing this?" Cameron scoffed, half amused and half bored. He eyed our intertwined fingers wearily before bringing his gaze back to my face. "You never learn, do you?"

I kept mute as he took slow and calculated steps before us, just stopping right in front of Bennett and me.

"Remember, Bennett isn't who he seems to be."  It was barely a whisper. I heard it, and I was sure everyone around a ten-centimeter radius would have heard it too.

And without giving me the luxury of having the last word, he stalked out of our midst, but not without checking Bennett in the shoulder, and hard too.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

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