Chapter Seven

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        I dragged my feet against the tiles lining the ground in the lobby. Loud squeaky noises filtered up to my ears, but I tuned them out. Barely though. I already had enough on my plate and I wasn't about to add squeaky noises to the list.

A million pairs of eyes stared at me with each step I took but I couldn't care less. A wide variety of emotions flickered on their faces, from rage, to confusion and even pity but that was their problem and not mine. I wasn't going to be the only one feeling everything and anything all at once.

Not like I had a choice though.

I took in deep breaths as I let my feet lead me. A tiny part of me hoped I hadn't gone the wrong way because I really wasn't thinking straight and neither was I paying anything to where I was actually headed. The aroma of something hit my nose and I paused immediately, causing someone behind me to almost bump into me. I knew that smell and on a normal day, it always brought a huge grin to my face. But not today. Today, I felt my heart drop to my stomach at the scent of it.

A quick glance at my surroundings showed I was near the cafeteria. MAL-U was the biggest university in the state, so it wasn't a surprise that the school had its own cafeteria. You could still eat out though, everything all boiled down to choice in the end.

Someone waving in the distance caught my attention and after a good look in the direction it came from, I realized it was Vivian. Wordlessly, I trudged through the crowd and headed to the table where she sat.

“There you are!” She squealed the moment she saw me. I watched her grin widen as she grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me to sit, just right next to her. “Where have you been?!”

“I..” for some strange reason, that was the only word I could mutter, no matter how hard I tried. “Um, I actually….”

“That's fine.” Vivian cut me off, her hand waving in the air. “You're here and that's what matters. You came just in time too. I have something to show you.”

Whenever Vivian referred to “something” it was a code word for someone, someone hot and totally her spec that she would gush over, but never grow the balls to actually do anything about it.

“Over there.” Vivian grabbed a hold of my hand from the table. After that, I watched as she discreetly tilted her head to the side. “Just right behind us. Look.”

“How am I going to know who I'm looking for?” I sniffled. “You can't just…”

“Oh, you will.” She grinned. “All you need to do is put everything you know about me into consideration.”

“And that's going to help how?”

“Just do it!” I turned my gaze towards the direction she was pointing to and true to her words, I knew immediately . Just tucked in between a group of guys and girls, was a guy and surprisingly he stood out well enough. Tall height, chiseled abs with little piercings here and there were more than enough to catch Vivian's eyes.

“Isn't he dreamy?” Vivian's swoons brought my attention back to the table. “Just look at him.”

“Well, I wished he wasn't the only thing that looked like a dream.” The words were already out before I could take them back. “I, I didn't mean….”

“Are you okay?” Vivian's question caught me off guard. Like that wasn't a big enough surprise, I just had to make the mistake of holding her gaze. “You're not, are you?”

“I'm fine.” It was hopeless trying to lie, but my frazzled brain couldn't think of anything else at this point. “I shouldn't have said what I said…”

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