Chapter Three

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I stole uneasy glances around me as I walked down the empty hallway, my footsteps echoing around me.

With each class I passed, an awful amount of dread washed over me and it made me wonder, what exactly was I doing out here instead of being stuck in one of these classes?

A gruff huff from in front of me brought me back to earth, temporarily reminding me why I was stabbing classes. Cameron.

Cameron Diaz.

From my spot behind him I had a good view of his black hair and the messenger bag he shifted from one shoulder to the other from time to time.

It irked me, but I figured the least I could do would be to keep shut at least, until all this was over.

My mind wandered to Vivian and I bit down on my lips. The girl would freak out if she caught a whiff of what I was doing and whom I was doing it with too.

She wasn't really a Cameron fan and well if I was being honest, no one actually was and it made sense because he hated everyone back.

Literally everyone,but most especially me and I found that strange because,why would anyone hate me? Especially when I'd done nothing to harm them.

"Could you stop dragging your feet and let's go already?" Cameron barked up front as I tuned in to his conversation. " We don't have all day.I don't have all day."

"You're the one who's walking like you've got a spring stuck underneath your feet." I huffed as I jogged to meet him. It wasn't enough though, I still wasn't able to get to him. "Slow down."

"If you're really interested in what I want to show you then you should lighten your steps. " Cameron wasn't stopping. "Stop slacking."

"I'm not." I pushed myself Forward.

"Yes, you are."

" I'm not. If you would just...." The rest of my words hung in my throat as a shrill cry slipped past my lips.

An intense jolt of pain shot up my feet as my legs crossed over each other in an unnatural manner. Like that wasn't punishment enough, I fell butt flat on the cold tiled floor.

"Ouch!!" I winced as the pain spread through my body. Luckily for me, it didn't last for long but something else struck me, I was all alone. I patted my palm on the ground around me continuously until I'd found it.

Somewhere in between my impromptu fall, my glasses had slid off my face and plunked to the ground.

The moment I found it, I put it on just to find out that Cameron was nowhere to be found.

"Cameron?" I called out wearily as I scanned the empty hallway. I felt my heartbeat pick up its pace as the realization of what just happened dawned on me.

I was alone and the next class would end in no time and if a teacher were to find out I stabbed a class, I would be in deep trouble. " Cameron!?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I wasn't sure if I was to be relieved by his presence or scared by the anger laced in his voice, but I was sure of one thing, the closer he walked towards me, the more he looked like a menace. "Tell me."

"I fell." I whined. "And I think I might have sprained my ankle too."

"Get up." I froze. Did he not hear me? And couldn't he see I was hurt? "We don't have much time."

"But I..." rough hands grabbed me by the arm and in less than no time I was yanked upwards. An intense jolt of pain shot up my leg as I tried to steady myself, hoping not to hurt my already injured foot. "What did you do that for?"

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