Chapter 2: Rhythms of Intrigue

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Thursday, January 8, 1948

My hair turned out real short but it was curled just right and everyone liked it. Got a letter from Ralph.

Dear Peggy,

I hope you're well. Life here consists of lectures, notes, and daydreams of summer. Balancing schoolwork and my job at the race track leaves me cherishing quiet moments.

I often reminisce about our last dance – snow falling around us and shared laughter warming the cold nights. Your letter brightened my day and I'd be delighted to take you to prom.



This began months of exchanging stories about school, work, and family through letters.

Monday, January 12, 1948

Wrote to Ralph and slept all afternoon. Danced with Phil at supper. Mr. & Mrs. Humphries' picture was in the morning's paper. At 10:00 Doris, Jane, Eileen and I ate the cake Doris got in Towson today. Listened to "Desert Fury" on the radio and then went to bed at 11:15.

Saturday, January 31, 1948

Got a letter from Ralph. Doris had one for me too from him. Met Doris in town and then got my glasses. In afternoon Dad made a fire in the fireplace. Had a date with Phil but since it was so cold out and he didn't get here till 9:00, we just sat here, listened to records. Don't like him like Ralph.

Tuesday, February 3, 1948

Got to college about 11:45. Ate lunch and went to get reports and to register. I didn't fail anything but Shirl did in Health and they wouldn't let her register until late. At supper danced with Eileen & Beth. Wrote to Ralph. At 10:00 had a coke and ice cream and then went to bed.

Thursday, February 12, 1948

Got a letter from Ralph. Had a snowball battle with Eileen and we made a big snowman over 6 ft. tall. Had our picture taken beside it. Had to dress for supper. Did homework and then wrote to Ralph. Shirl got a card from the Normandy Hotel saying to write again the first of April as they're waiting for former employees. Got a coke at 10:00.

Wednesday, March 3, 1948

Got a letter from Ralph. Had a health test. Went to see a basketball (girls') game and then to the freshman party in the foyer. Ate at 5:30 with Shirl as we both had duty from 6:00 to 8:00. At 10:00 had cookies, coke, ice cream and a bag of potato chips. Got to bed about 11:30.

Monday, March 15, 1948

Eileen went to the infirmary. Doris and I walked up Towson to take some negatives in. Got a sundae and some apples. Went to see Eileen about 4 times. After supper there was a house meeting. Wrote to Ralph, took a shower and shaved my legs. Took exercises with Doris and went to bed.

Tuesday, March 30, 1948

Got 3 letters from Ralph and one from Sue. Went to Towson with Doris & Jane, mailed a letter to Ralph, had a hamburger and a milkshake. Did homework, checked up and got to bed about 11:00.

Thursday, April 1, 1948

Had a Geo test. After classes wrote to Ralph, read some health, read the paper. Washed my hair. After supper Shirl called home, finished reading health and at 10:00 went upstairs to Bea's birthday party. Had a piece of chocolate cake and a coke. Got to bed at 11:00.

Tuesday, April 13, 1948

Got a letter from Ralph. Worked on my term paper all day and typed 5 pages till 12:00 at nite. Eileen got a turtle for me and some food for it when she went to Govans. Had volleyball practice till 5:00.

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