Watching airplanes

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The moon glowed gently over the parked car, its light creating a halo around Ralph's golden hair as he leaned against the window. Peggy could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest, exhilarated by their newfound connection and the moment's intimacy. She took a deep breath, allowing the air to fill her lungs before she spoke.

"Ralph," she began hesitantly, "do you ever think about what your life would look like if you hadn't met me?"

He turned his head slightly toward her, his green eyes reflecting the moonlight as they locked onto hers. "I've thought about it," he admitted, his voice low and warm. "But I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Peggy felt a thrill run through her at his words. It was both terrifying and thrilling to know that she held such importance in someone else's life. She traced a pattern on the fogged-up window, her thoughts whirling as she considered her own dreams and aspirations.

"I used to imagine myself traveling the world," she confessed softly, her voice barely audible above the hum of distant airplane engines. "Discovering new places, meeting different people... But now, all I want is to be right here, with you."

Ralph reached out and gently took her hand, his rough fingers intertwining with her slender ones. "You're not giving up on your dreams, Peggy," he told her earnestly. "We'll find a way to make them come true, together."

"Really?" Peggy asked, hope shining in her eyes.

"Absolutely," Ralph assured her, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

As the night wore on, they continued to share their deepest hopes and fears, each revelation bringing them closer together. The vulnerability they felt only served to strengthen the bond between them, and neither wanted this evening to end.

"Time sure flies when you're with your best friend," Ralph said, glancing at the dashboard clock that now read well past midnight.

"Indeed it does," Peggy agreed, her voice tinged with both happiness and a hint of sadness as the realization that their evening was drawing to a close began to set in.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the tarmac as Peggy and Ralph reluctantly bid farewell to their quiet sanctuary near the airport. As they drove back toward Ocean City, their hands remained intertwined across the gearshift, unwilling to let go of the connection they'd found in each other.

Ralph spoke with a tender voice, his eyes locked onto Peggy's. "What an evening. I'm glad you decided to give me a call."

"I almost didn't," she admitted, looking down at the dash. "I didn't know what to think after the last time I saw you-- at prom."

Ralph delicately squeezed her hand, "Hey..." Peggy's stare shifted from the dashboard to his eyes. 

"My mind hasn't changed at all about you since then, if that helps." 

Peggy bit her lip trying hard not to smile but, it wasn't enough. "It does," she murmured. 

As they navigated the familiar streets leading to Peggy's family condo, both of them knew that their time together was drawing to a close. Each moment felt precious, and they clung to it, cherishing the memories they were making.

Pulling up outside Peggy's house, Ralph parked the car and turned to her with a smile. For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, their eyes meeting. A blush crept up Peggy's cheeks, and Ralph's hand reached out to touch hers nervously.

"Thank you for tonight, Ralph," Peggy said softly. "It's been... lovely."

"I had a wonderful time too, Peggy," Ralph replied, his voice warm. "May I... walk you to the door?"

Peggy nodded, feeling a flutter of excitement in her stomach. As they walked, Ralph held the door open for her, their fingers brushing briefly.

"Well," Peggy said, stopping at the doorway. "Good night, Ralph."

Ralph hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward slightly. "Good night, Peggy," he said, his voice barely a whisper. He looked down at her hand, his fingers twitching as if he wanted to reach out.

Before he could, Peggy surprised them both by leaning up and giving him a quick, light kiss on the cheek. Her cheeks turned bright red, and she looked down shyly.

Ralph stood there for a moment, stunned. Then a grin spread across his face. "Good night, Peggy," he said again, his voice filled with joy. "Sweet dreams."

Peggy turned and hurried inside, her heart pounding. As she closed the door, she couldn't help but smile. Tonight had been special. The house was dark and quiet, with only the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the windows. Leaning against the door, Peggy closed her eyes and relived the magic of the evening. Her heart still raced a little, and the memory of Ralph's smile sent another wave of warmth through her.

"Is that you, Peg?" Oozzie's voice floated down from the top of the stairs. Peggy jumped slightly, then grinned to herself, appreciating the familiar comfort of her best friend's presence.

"Oozzie!" Peggy whispered excitedly, motioning for her friend to join her downstairs. "You won't believe what just happened."

As Oozzie descended the staircase, her eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Tell me everything," she urged, settling onto the living room couch.

Peggy took a deep breath, the evening replaying in her mind's eye. "I kissed him, Oozzie!" she blurted out, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and shyness. "It was... well, it was a goodnight kiss on the cheek."

Oozzie grinned knowingly, patting her friend on the back. "Sounds like things are moving in the right direction".

"You were right, Oz," Peggy admitted, her gratitude swelling within her chest. "Thank you for always being there and guiding me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The two friends shared a heartfelt hug, their bond stronger than ever because of the trials they had weathered together. As the night wore on, Peggy recounted every detail of the drive-in and their conversation at the airport, her excitement barely contained. Oozzie listened intently, soaking in the happiness that radiated from her friend.

"Ralph and I talked about everything, Oozzie," Peggy confided, her voice soft with wonder. "It was as if we were truly seeing each other for the first time, without any barriers or pretenses. I've never felt so connected to someone before."

Oozzie squeezed her hand, a genuine smile lighting up her face. "That's what love is all about, Peg. It's about taking risks, opening your heart, and embracing the unknown."

Peggy nodded with gratitude and hope."Goodnight, Oozzie," Peggy whispered, her heart full of love and appreciation for her best friend.

"Goodnight, Peggy," Oozzie replied softly, watching as Peggy ascended the stairs to her bedroom, her steps light with newfound hope and possibility.

Saturday, June 19, 1948

Left home after 9:00 and stopped at Oozzie's, Dottie's and Erma's. Jean can't work at Colonial (hotel) so tried to find one for her but couldn't. Served supper. Oozzie and her mother came over. Ralph came 11:00 and took Shirl, Jean and I in his new car to drive-in and got us stuff. Sat in the car; got in at 1:00.

Sunday, June 20, 1948 OCEAN CITY

Went to Saubles with Mom & Dad. After lunch went down the Boardwalk with Jean and Shirl (saw Herman) and then they went home. Wrote to Doris. Ralph and I went to see "Dear Ruth". Saw "Hick" in the drive-in and then parked near the airport. Got in 12:30.

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