𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢 - 𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔲𝔰 ཐིཋྀ⋆

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"I knew Gabriel"

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"I knew Gabriel"

I turned around slowly, while my thoughts worked the opposite way.

"Don't know who that is."
I tested, wondering how his company found so much out about me.

"Don't act like you don't know who your brother is, Lara."
My tongue snarled and the ability to walk was unknown to me. I was frozen in place.

"How. Do. You. Know. About. Him."

Ryan scratched his shoulder, sighing. "My past isn't the cleanest, you know...I had some problems with drugs when I was seventeen or eighteen and in town, your brother was quite famous. We never talked much nor were friends, just met from time to time to exchange some...goods...for money."

"Tell me everything. What kind of drugs did he deal with?" I demanded, feeling my eyes burning. Of course is the fact that Gabriel dealt drugs obvious to me, but I didn't expect to meet someone who did so with him.

Ryan laid his hand on my shoulder, stroking it and smiling at something behind me. "You know, darlin', I don't think that it's appropriate for you to know."

"I'm not innocent and am aware of his drug abuse. In addition, I need answers and would be thankful if you're able to provide me with such."

"You can text me and we talk it out?" Ryan slipped a paper card into my pocket.

"Sorry to crush your hopes O'Sullivan but I suppose that she's not interested." Matteo's voice suddenly filled my void and so did the sounds of his steps.

"Oh, Matteo! What an honor!" Ryan provoked, squeezing my shoulder a bit. Matteo had the nerve to disappear for my whole presentation but joined whenever someone else was talking to me.

"Take your dirty hands off her."
The ginger shot me a look and I pinpointed with the movement of my eyes that he should follow Matteo's words. Luckily he withdrew his hand and smirked again.

"Will you fool her the same way you fooled him?
Matteo grabbed after my hand and pulled me aside. Does he think I'm a sort of marionette who can't move on her own?
"Is DAI completely brainwashed now? What kind of bullshit did you tell her?"

"I told her how you betrayed my boss and how I met her brother."
Matteo's hand trembled a bit. "You're digging in her family history now to get her on your side? That's disgusting. Inform yourself who he was, before you tell any lies. I don't think she wants to hear anything about her brother who was a complete jerk."

I slapped Matteo's hand away from mine. He acted like he knew every part of my mind, in addition, Díaz frowned and ogled me.
"You're acting like you knew Gabriel personally, Matteo. Just because we get along doesn't mean that you know how I feel about my brother. Stop acting like you own me in any way. Plus, Gabriel wasn't a complete jerk. You know nothing about him."

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