.13 sharkable

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3rd person pov
by the time billie woke up the next morning it was 9am and marley had already gone to uni. she packed up her stuff and headed out to the kitchen. no one else was around but she found a note on the fridge.

we didnt know when you'd wake up but we all have classes this morning, theres a spare key on the bench if were not home when you leave you can lock up.

she grabbed a glass of water before deciding to go home and write more for her next album, the inspiration was coming back hard.

marleys pov

i was sitting in the back of my lecture on my phone behind my laptop. i woke up in a good mood but now todays just one of those days.

blake was beside me but he kept talking to me every 5 minutes which was started to annoy me. "are you working tonight?"

"6-12" i responded and he nodded saying he had the same just starting at 5. i did the work that needed to be done but the class couldn't have been longer.

i finally got home at 1pm making a smoothie and sitting outside. when i got out there i stopped seeing willow smoking on the balcony.

"i thought you stopped" i said and she jumped not realizing i was there.

"i thought i did too" she said putting it out instantly and wiping the tears from her eyes. now i was concerned i put my drink down and walked over to her. "dean cheated on me, apparently hes been doing it for months" she explained. and i brought her into a hug.

dean was her boyfriend of 7months i never thought he was good for her but i've never been in a relationship so what would i know.

"you wanna know who he cheated on me with though" she said pausing for a second "kassie" she finished.

his fucking girl best friend. of course.

i comforted willow a bit more slipping the pack of cigarettes into my hoodie pocket. i knew she would get mad at herself later if she found them again later and realised she did it.

"i think i'm going to have a shower and take a nap. thanks mars" the girl smiled wiping her tears again and collecting herself.

"okay, call out if you need me" she nodded and walked inside so i took a seat on our outdoor beanbag.

i threw my head back in exhaustion before feeling my phone vibrate.


heyyyy mars

hey billie

whatcha up too

drinking a smoothie

of course you are

hey their good alright


shut it

make me

what are you doing miss eilish

writing a new songggg
speaking of which can you call me real quick


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