Chapter 2: The Occult Research Club

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(3dr Person POV)

* Hyoundou Residence

Shidou sat on the side of the bed, lowered his head and put his hands supporting her, in a state of shock at what he had just heard.

Shidou: ''Seeking to understand all that was thrown upon me.''

Akeno: ''I know, it's too much to absorb.''

After a few seconds, he stands upright with his eyes close, unites his open hands touching his face and breathes deeply to keep a thought ahead of it all. He opens his eyes and notices.

Shidou: ''Somehow that makes total sense... Wow... I'm feeling my head overheating.''

Akeno: ''Hm...?''

Akeno tilted her head to Shidou direction, and showed an expression of confusion for what he had said.

Akeno: ''Is something bothering you?''

Shidou: ''Now I managed to fit the pieces of this confusing puzzle, we are indeed devils and everything... Our bodies were not acting as usual, Issei and I were able to see completely in the dark and we also had an increase in physical ability as when Issei took that leap and I ran faster than normal.''

Akeno: ''Yeah, I know it's a shock to find you've been reincarnated into a supernatural being you thought was just myth. But I promise you that in fact, things are very good... Here... have some tea that I made.''

Akeno offered a cup of tea to Shidou, she took it from the tray that was on the desk and gave it to him in her hands, he politely accepted.

He took a slight whiff of the tea's exhaling aroma. He put the tea on his lip and took the first sip, after two seconds he started drinking slowly but without stopping. After drinking it all, he widens his eyes with a glow in them and puts the empty tea on the saucer, showing a smile.

Shiro: ''This was the most delicious tea I've ever tasted in my life!''

Akeno: ''It's lemon balm tea... help to relieves symptoms of stress and anxiety, fights digestive problems and relieves pain.''

It seemed that Shidou's eyes became a starry sky so much that it was sparkling to taste this tea he drank. Akeno chuckled at Shidou's reaction.

Akeno: ''Hm... Shidou Hyoundou... I really liked the name you have, has a great sound and stands out when you speak... Wouldn't be a surprise if Rias leaves your name as it is.''

Shidou: ''Huh...? I... always planned to take that name. What you just said made me confused again.''

Akeno: ''Don't worry, when you are introduced to the rest of the club, you will be able to ask any questions you have. Let's just wait for the president to finish talking to Issei.''

Shidou: ''Wait, is Rias here at our house too?''

Before he could be answered, he ended up overhearing to his adoptive parents talking out loud in the hallway as if something big had happened.

Miki: ''Do you know what he's doing up there?!''

Gorou: ''Why are you yelling...? What... is he gripping the magazines again? Let the boy have his time!''

Miki: ''No! She was real! She was alive and she was naked in our son's bed!''

Shidou got up from bed and was usually walking towards the bedroom door. Akeno then noticed that the veins on their faces became very prominent and pulsating

Akeno: ''Shidou...? Everything okay in there?''

He stopped walking and turned his head back looking towards Akeno and gave a smile. Then he turned his head forward and kept walking and left the room, Akeno curious about what would happen followed him.

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