Chapther 7: Getting a Familiar

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(3dr Person POV)

* Middle of the Woods

Early in the morning, a bit distant from the city, Shidou was practicing his skills with his Primordial Wind Link in hands while being instructed by Ainchase.

At the time, he was trying to concentrate on focusing on a single point in his hand to create a kind of compact tornado, but for something so small with such power, Shidou was going through difficulties.

Shidou: ''I already imagined that I would not get it at first, but this is the eightieth-third try! I can feel my hand wanting to fall! Any idea why I'm not getting it?''

Ainchase: ''According to my analysis, the centrifugal force at such a small point requires a lot of concentration and a large amount of mana, also the flow of mana is still showing instability to remain constant. To succeed in creating this magic you have to keep the firmness in the direction of the winds at the point you want it to stay and prevent it from dispersing, otherwise, using an analogy, it will be like filling a bucket of water that is pierced, that is, it will not reach the desired capacity.''

Shidou: ''Well, there's the explanation... So I just have to stop the winds from leaking. Easier said than done.''

But before he could he felt a strange and familiar feeling, which made him stop immediately and look around in worry, only there was no one around.

Shidou: ''After all this trouble with the Church of the Fallen Angels, I'm starting to get paranoid. Well... Let's go.''

So Shidou went to try again. He held out his hand while his Sacred Gear swung from side to side and then began to gather as much wind magic in his palm, creating a miniature typhoon. The suction he created was making the leaves of the trees around him shake.

But soon, as Shidou was beginning to achieve what he ultimately wanted, the magic collapsed creating a vacuum burst and flinging the young devil backand eventually collided with a tree. Then he gets frustrated lying on the floor.

Shidou: ''Arrgh... I've been trying for almost a week, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but still... Why can I create dozens of swords and other things made of wind, but I can't make a BALL?''

Ainchase: ''Creation magic carries different concepts of Elemental magic. Even if in your case, creation magic is combined from Elemental magic.''

Shidou: ''Okay...''

Ainchase: ''Are you sure you would like to mimic a technique from one of the animes you watch? Honestly, I don't understand the reason or necessity for this.''

Shidou: ''Ain, let me explain... There are certain things that a man of culture always dreams of doing, and one of them is recreating one of the most iconic attacks of television and the internet.''

Soon, Shidou gets up again, but he was kind of curious.

Shidou: ''There's something I wanted to ask you Ain. Before my failed attempt, I felt a strange sensation in my head. It's not the first time I've felt it, do you have any idea what that would be?''

Ainchase: ''That is the skill called Omen.''

Shidou: ''And... what would that skill Omen be?''

Ainchase: ''The skill called Omen is a passive ability that gives the user the power to detect events considered harmful to the user or nearby individuals. Searching through his memories, a proper reference would be the Spider-man's spider-sense ability, but in a more abstract way.''

Shidou: ''In the end, it's a hard skill to use... I've used it before, haven't I?''

Ainchase: ''You used when Hyoudou Issei was going to be ambushed by priest Freed Sellzen.''Even before you wake the Primordial Wind Link, unconsciously you used it when Issei Hyoudou was tricked into going on a date with the fallen angel Raynare.''

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