Thome 1, Cp 4. A stranger.

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More than two years have passed since the incident with the mysterious silhouette in the window.  Yueliang did not talk about the fact, that someone covered him that night, because in this way he could scare Aunt Chen.  Feng Huan and the elders no longer bothered with their daily checks and new batches of pills.  And Yueliang grew by leaps and bounds.  Although he is only three years old, two maids can no longer keep up with him and quite often lose him.  Although he cannot fly yet, he runs quite fast, and if you add his small stature, he can be considered elusive.  Aunt Chen once again states that his mental spirit is much older than his physical spirit, so he is developing quickly.  And the maids fully confirm this.

- Yingyi, let's play!  - Yueliang shouted, running up to one of the maids and grabbing her by the hem of her dress.

The maid named Yingyi just smiled and continued her work.  Realizing that she would not play with him, he ran to another girl.

- Raya, will you play with me?  - Yueliang asked with feigned sadness when he ran up to the second girl.

- Forgive me, young master, but Yingyi and I need to work, - the girl said, raising the corners of her mouth, - but if you are so bored, you can go to the forest behind the garden, you won’t meet anyone there now, - Raya said quietly, bending down to the child’s ear,  - but just shh!  - she added in a whisper.

At the girl’s words, the child’s ruby eyes sparkled and, nodding slightly, he quietly headed into the garden.  Since Yueliang often walks in the garden, no one even paid attention to him when he walked through the door.  Walking through the thick bushes of flowers in the garden, he saw a gate that was closed.  Without hesitation, Yueliang carefully approached her and decided to study her first.  The gate was higher than him, so the first thing he needed to do was figure out how to climb over it.  But what is there to think about?  Yueliang has wings and although he does not yet fully know how to fly, he can try for such a short distance.

Carefully spreading his small wings and taking off, while holding onto the gate, Yueliang managed to sit on its edge.  The satisfied child also carefully jumped to the other side, which went into the forest.  The forest was dense, there was a lot of greenery growing in it.  This was something new for Yueliang.  This is not the house in which he was told to live, not the garden, and not even the lonely pond that Aunt Chen allowed him to go to.  But the forest is something new.  It's so big and there's so much new stuff.  The main thing is not to run too far from the gate and get lost.

Yueliang stood in place for quite a long time, not daring to move deeper.  What if there is someone there and they see him?  Although Raya said that no one should be there, you should still be careful.  After standing still for a moment, Yueliang nevertheless moved forward.  He walked, walked and looked around, trying to look at every detail and not lose sight of the gate.


At least , he don't known how long he has been walking here.  He can say that it is already evening, because twilight has fallen on the sky.  This means they will start looking for him.  Or not?  If they start looking for him, it can only be Aunt Chen and her two maids.  Nobody needs him anymore.  Not his parents, not his brothers and sisters.  No one.

No one...

He continued to walk, deeply immersed in his thoughts, and would have walked further if he had not heard a rustling nearby.  At first it seemed to him that he had misheard, but when this was repeated several times in the same place, there could be no doubt.  There's someone here!  And this someone is clearly a living creature!

Yueliang was so scared that he rushed towards where his eyes were looking, and it didn’t matter that the gate was clearly in the other direction.  Now he had only one thing in his head - “survive!”... But the creature pursuing him clearly did not lag behind, and even seemed to accelerate!  Due to the fast running and lack of air, it was difficult for Yueliang to think whether it was a man or an animal.  But one thing was clear for sure: if you get caught, you can’t count on the best.

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