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To say I was woken up by knocking at my door, would be a lie. The truth was, I never fell asleep since I got back to my room. But still, the knocking...

Dragging myself out of bed, I approached the door to answer it. I could sense it wasn't Craig on the other side, thus giving me somewhat relief that I wouldn't have to face him before getting dressed and brushing my teeth. But still, when I opened it, I wished I looked a little more presentable.

Ash beamed at me from the hallway, looking stylish in a pair of white skinny jeans, a black quarter-sleeve top, and sets of gold jewelry adorning her wrists and neck. She looked positively stunning and every bit noble compared to Moi.

"Good morning, Nel. Hope you slept wonderfully last night."

Even if I didn't know what she was up to, her chirpy tone would've left me suspicious. No person was that chipper that early.

"I did, thanks," I lied, hoping it didn't come off as too disheveled.

"Great," Ash joined her hands together and bounced on her feet. She reminded me of a child who just learned they're going to Disneyland. "Sorry if I bothered you, though, but I was actually hoping you'd join me for a walk this morning. That is, if your team can manage breakfast without you."

"I'm sure they'll manage," I said, acting unsuspicious. "Just give me twenty minutes and I'll be down."

She nodded once then left me to get dressed. Closing the door, I unleashed the breath I've been holding for the sake of staying in character. I'm supposed to be a human, they believe me to be one. I shouldn't suspect anything, and for all I cared, this walk was just Ash's method of bonding. We had hit it off yesterday in the car, and she wanted to continue where we left off.

Despite knowing the truth, I pretended it was just that, and not a walk during which she'll let me in on some deep, dark, supernatural secret – wink-wink.

I must have been an actress in a previous lifetime.


Twenty minutes on the dot.

That's how long it took me to get dressed, apply some light makeup, pin up my hair, and quickly make my bed. My morning routine wasn't elaborate in the least, there was no time for that when you owned a bistro.

Ash waited for me in the main living room I usually passed on my way to the kitchen. She had two mugs of steaming coffee in her hands, one for me and one for her.

"Hope it's alright," she said sheepishly. "I forgot to ask how you take your coffee, so I asked one of your staff. Maisie, I think."

After I assured her that I wasn't picky, she showed me to a backdoor leading to the back porch of the castle.

My senses came alive at the crisp morning air and the smell of dew coming from the garden below. How everyone wasn't out here enjoying the new day, was beyond me. If Nellie's had a porch and view like this, you could bet your kidneys I'd move the customers outside rather than letting them doze off at the coffee bar.

I followed Ash down the steps and through the flowerbeds, sipping my coffee for the caffeine to start doing its job – and to get my mind off the awkward silence between us. Knowing she's probably working on her 'werewolves are real' speech, I didn't press too much, but rather enjoyed the vast green lawns and rounded topiaries along the path.

"Beautiful morning, am I right?" Ash began, turning down a different pathway, and we were now heading in the direction of the lake. "I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

"You said it," I replied, genuinely feeling the same. I'm glad I chose this place to lay my roots.

"When I first came to Scotland, I was so focused on saving my studio back home and jumpstarting my photography, it took me a few days to appreciate it." She smiled to herself and added, "And it's all thanks to Rheon. Have I told you how we met?"

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