Chapter Eight

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Alaric Benson

My brain was already entering the highest category of tornado with how messy it was, and now, I had to add the fact that Declan was now calling me. Axton only shrugged his shoulders, and Apollo was too busy to notice my panic. The panic wasn't for me, but for the boy who didn't want to be found out. Not unless it was on his terms.

I shot a glance at Emery, who paled as he stared at my phone screen. "I have to answer it." He slowly nodded as I pressed the damned green button, and then held it to my ear. "How can I help you on this fine afternoon?"

Declan huffed. "You're hilarious. Where the hell are you three? Axton won't answer the phone. Apollo is being vague. Is something wrong?"

I glared at the two boys in question. "Everything is fine, Mother Hen. We're out of town right now. Last minute thing." Axton lifted his head with an arched brow. "Why? I hardly thought you'd notice our absence. How is Aurora doing anyway?"

"You're not as funny as you think you are." Despite his words, Declan still chuckled. "Listen, I know this is a long shot, but have you possibly heard from Emery? Aurora can't get ahold of him. She's worried, so I told her I'd ask."

My eyes shot to Emery as they widened. "Uh, Emery?" I put Declan on speaker and then muted the phone so I could speak to Emery. "You haven't been texting Aurora back?"

Emery's eyes flooded with guilt. "I didn't know what to say! I panicked! She's going to know. Oh god."

I eyed him before unmuting the phone as Declan spoke. "Anything?"


"Yeah, I figured, but since I was calling to check on you three animals, I thought I'd ask. I'm about to head to class. When do you think you'll be back?"

"Not too sure."

"Alright, well have fun with whatever it is that you're doing."

After Declan ended the call, I slid my phone back into my pocket. I understood Emery's reluctance to tell anyone who he was with. We weren't well-digested when it came to other people. Aurora was nice enough to us. Celine. Dylan. But Declan knew our secrets. He knew why Axton was the way he was. Why Apollo guarded him. Why I followed along with them.

They were my brothers, and that was enough of an explanation. But we also stuck with each other through our darker days. We were there for each other when we felt like we didn't have anyone who would understand us. And Declan was there for us, too. I wasn't as close to him, but I considered him a close friend. Enough so that he chose me to call when he was worried about the rest of us.

My thoughts disappeared when I saw Emery typing on his phone. "No!" I dove for the phone, snatching it from his hand. "If you don't want them to find out, it's best that you don't text her right after Declan called."

"I'm panicking!" Emery squawked like a fucking chicken. "I'm not worried about Aurora finding out. I don't even care if Lyric does. She doesn't know you three, and she lives for the drama. But if Jason does, I can kiss that friendship goodbye."

Axton climbed off the bed he was sharing with Apollo, and hopped in front of Emery. "Tell me, Sweet Cheeks. Why do you care if your ex finds out you're friends with us?"

Emery's ears perked up at the word friends. "Friends?"

Axton shrugged. "Whatever. Answer my question."

The hopeful expression shattered and Emery dropped his gaze to his lap. "Jason might be my ex, but he was my best friend first. I had to work my ass off to prove to all of them that I was sorry for cutting contact. I thought they deserved a fresh start without me. I was across the country. But I managed. I have my best friends back. I haven't heard much from Lyric, but she's often busy. But Aurora and Jason have actively tried to make me feel included. Even if Aurora can't stop making heart eyes at Declan. She still tries to make sure I feel included. I don't want to do anything to fail them. Jason. Mostly."

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