Chapter Eighteen

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Emery Gray

I woke up to darkness around me. My hand felt around the bed, and I came up empty. I frowned. I didn't remember getting here, but I remembered falling asleep while Alaric carried me. Where was he? What time was it? What world was I in? I drew my arm back to my chest and turned before I realized I was not in Brielle's room like I had been for the past two nights. I honestly didn't know whose room this belonged to. It was too dark but it lacked the deep purple and black colors of Alaric's sister.

Glancing out the window across the room, I still saw the moon hanging in the sky with no sign of the sun trying to peek over the horizon. I reached under the blanket to retrieve my phone—the time reading just after three. Halloween was officially tomorrow. Which meant this road trip would come to an end the day after tomorrow. And I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

Suddenly, I shot up into the sitting position as everything sunk in. Fight. Alaric. Argument. Kiss. Holy shit. Wait, did he even forgive me? Is that why he wasn't here? I deflated at the thought. Maybe I embarrassed him—maybe after the little show I decided to put on was too much. I was too much. I truly just wanted to stand up for myself and win. For once. But Alaric argued that he wanted to fight for me, too.

I covered my face with my hands. What should I do? It was three in the fucking morning. Clearly, I wasn't who he wanted as a bedmate. I screwed something up. I already knew I did. I couldn't believe I yelled at him that way. And I never apologized. I never explained myself. Nope. He went and said all these amazing things that somehow, without knowing it, I'd always wanted to hear. And instead of apologizing, I kissed him because my fear of the unknown was nothing against wanting him with me. As mine. As my boyfriend.

I distinctly remember being afraid to screw the timing up. Never once did I consider I'd do it at the very wrong time. I'd been afraid to do it too late—but nope. I managed to try and seal the deal after I screamed at him. After he tried to help me understand his side. And who knew his side would make me fall halfway in love with him? So, I kissed him, and I more than likely screwed all of that up.

Why couldn't I be normal? Why couldn't I think through my actions better? Why couldn't I control my emotions? It's a wonder why I couldn't maintain a relationship or really make any stable friends. Look how I treated Alaric tonight. Look at the times I wanted to be all in and then pulled away to avoid him for two days. Who wanted to deal with someone like me?

I dropped my hands and slowly crawled out of bed. I needed water and maybe fresh air. Micheal said I was free to move around the house as I pleased. I hoped this was okay because I felt suffocated by my overthinking brain. Nothing would get solved this way.

Creeping out of the room I was in, I crossed the hall and headed for the stairs. Then I quietly headed down into the kitchen. When I flicked on the light, I slapped my hand over my mouth to muffle my scream. Apollo was sitting on the island top, eating a biscuit—not the least bit bothered that I almost had a heart attack.

"You should have one, they're delicious."

I slammed my hand on the counter next to him while I tried to catch my breath. "I'll get right on that. What the fuck are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Couldn't sleep."

"Join..." I heaved, pressing my hand over my heart as if it was going to help. "The fucking club."

"Mmm." He dusted his fingers after finishing off the last of his food. "So, that was an interesting little display. I wish I could say I was shocked—but Alaric never takes an interest in anyone. Except you. So, are congratulations in order?"

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