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A few hours after I talk to kaede I decide that I want to visit Ouma. As I'm walking to the nearest nurse the clock reads 11:44am.

I walk up to a nurse in blue scrubs putting medication away. "Hello Miss, I was told if I wanted to visit Ouma kokichi I had to ask?" I ask her. She turns around and takes off her mask to speak "I'm not one of Oumas nurses, Ms.Kora should be one though!" She says pointing to a nurse in regular uniform at the desk. "Thank you so much!" I say waving goodbye, I then walk towards the desk.

"Hello Ms.Kora, I was told to ask a nurse if I could visit Ouma kokichi?" I say waving. "Oh yes! What is the reason for your visit?" They say putting down their papers and looking up to see me.

"I've noticed no one has really talked about him like, at all, so I just wanted to check on him. Just to see how he's doing." I say looking around. I don't want anyone like maki to see that I'm trying to check on him. "Okay! He's not awake yet so you'll have to wait, if he says yes I'll come get you when it's time!" They say excitedly.

I say thank you and walk back to my room. I guess I'll just watch more tv until it's time. I would visit maki and Kaito, but kaito doesn't wake up until later, and maki goes to the gym in the mornings.

I sit there watching tv when Ms.kora knocks and walks in. "Hello! Just wanted to let you know your visit is at 2:30, so in 30 minutes!" They still seem to be excited, not sure why.

Wait, 30 minutes??

I look at my phone and realize I've been watching tv for almost 2 hours. I normally don't lose my sense of time like this, maybe im just nervous about the visit?

I decide to wait near his room and scroll through my phone. I don't want to bother the nurse by waiting for her to get me in my room.

Soon she comes to me and says it's time. I'm a little nervous but it's too late to go back I guess.

I stand outside the door while she does a few quick things before saying I can come inside. I sit down and realize I don't know what to say at all. While I'm thinking of what to say, kokichi looks at me and says "Sooo??" I snap out of my thoughts and reply with "Oh sorry, I didn't really plan what to say." I think it's best to be honest considering he can tell when I'm lying, and that would be awkward.

The room stays silent after my last remark so I try to keep the conversation going, I say "How are you doing? No one has really said anything about you so I didn't know if anyone had visited you yet." But I think he could tell how nervous I was.

He responds almost immediately "I'm doing amazing! Almost everyone has visited me so far, Im so confused to why no one's talked about the amazing conversations we've had yet!!!" This confuses me as the nurse told me no one has visited him recently, until I realize the tone of sarcasm.

I don't understand why he won't be honest with me. I know he likes to lie, but we're not in the game anymore, so why still put in effort to lie? I don't want to come off as harsh considering the nurses seemed so.. cautious, about letting people see him. I think for a bit, trying to carefully collect my words.

I end up saying "Kokichi, I know you like to lie all the time, but can you not lie right now. I came here to see if you were okay knowing the others would judge me if they knew I was doing this." I try to sound a bit stern to let him know I was serious, but I don't think it came off that way considering his response. "You think I care about your reputation with the others?? Why'd you come see me if you were so worried they'd judge you. It's not like I made you come here."

I'm starting to get frustrated, I don't want to be rude, but sometimes I can't really control how I express my emotions. I mumble "I don't even know why I tried." which I immediately regretted, knowing I didn't fully mean it. I do know why I tried, I just don't understand why he won't let his guard down.

He responds with "I don't even know what you want with me? Literally no one has visited me and allill of a sudden you want too because your curious on how I'm doing? Thats it??" Which makes me regret what I said even more. What does he mean 'that's it'??

"Yes??? Why would I need another reason???" I ask. I try to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down, since I don't want to worsen the situation. He glares at me for a moment before we both hear a beep.

I look to the monitor on his finger, which says his heart rate is at 130. Shit what did I do?? Did I even do that??
Maybe it's fine, just calm down, I need to stay calm.

I look back at him and notice he's also looking at the monitor. I ask "Is it supposed to beep like that?" To which he looks right up at me. He looks panicked, which worries me. What did I do? Was he actually upset at me? I try to collect my thoughts but I get interrupted by kokichi saying "I need a nurse." In a monotone voice.

I internally panic before deciding to stay calm enough that kokichi doesn't become more panicked. "Okay I'll go get one, will you be fine if I leave?" I ask standing up. The monitor beeps again before he says he'll be fine , to which I was already out the door.

I speed walk through the halls, trying not to bring too much attention to myself. I look around until I find a nurse. "Hello Saihara, is anything wrong?" I immediately try to explain what happened to her, but I don't think she understood, to which I just responded with "kokichi, his monitor is beeping." She puts down her things as she tells me "Stay here, I'll update you on the situation later."

As she runs off to his room, I'm left with my thoughts on everything that just happened. Why did I say all of that? Did I actually mean any of it? I decide to just walk back to my room and try to forget about what happened while I wait for the nurse to update me.

Omg idk how to write fights pls save me SCREAMS!!!! I hope u guys like this chapter cus I'm supposed to be sleeping
Buenas noches 😞🙏

Three summers | SAIOUMAOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora