➤ chapter 19 : the blind bandit

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"IT'S PRICEY, BUT i really do like it

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"IT'S PRICEY, BUT i really do like it." sokka says, glaring at the green bag as miizumi stands next to him.

"then you should get it. i can't believe i'm saying this, but you deserve something nice." miizumi nudges him with her elbow.

"i do, don't i?" the boy smiles at her. "but no, it's too expensive. i shouldn't."

"then don't." miizumi shrugs.

"well, how about i get you something instead?" sokka turns to her.

"i don't need that." miizumi replies.

"please! i have all this money with nowhere for it to go!" sokka smiles.

"the last thing i need is to be spoiled. come on." they walk to where katara and aang are, but suddenly he pulls her back to the same spot.

"you know what? i'm gonna get it!" he says. she leans onto a pole as she watches him pay for the bag. he happily runs towards her with the bag in his hand.

"looks nice on you." she smiles. they walk to where aang and katara are, holding a yellow paper. "what's that?" she asks.

"an earthbending academy." katara replies.

"look, there's a coupon on the back. the first lesson is free." aang smiles.

"who knows? this master yu could be the earthbending teacher you've been looking for." katara says. aang soon finds the academy and after an hour or so, he comes back.

"eh, he's not the one." aang sighs.

"i think the boulder is gonna win back the belt at earth rumble six." miizumi looks at two boys who are walking out of the academy and sokka curiously follows her gaze.

"he's gonna have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to even get a shot at the champ." the brunet boy replies.

"excuse me." aang runs up to them. "but where is this earthbending tournament exactly?" he asks.

"it's on the island of nunya—none ya business." one boy says. they both begin to laugh as they walk away.

miizumi stands up when she sees aang's discouraged face. sokka laughs and clutches his stomach from laughing so hard.

"oh, i gotta remember that one." sokka says.

"come on, don't do that." katara sighs.

"it's okay, aang. i'll take care of this." miizumi rubs aang's shoulder as she walks past him.

she turns around and ushers katara to follow her. miizumi slings her hair over one shoulder and as the two rush behind the boys.

"hey boys, wait for us!" she calls.

the brunet boy turns around and looks miizumi up and down. "hey, hot stuff." miizumi internally cringes at the name but she plays along.

"you wouldn't happen to know where this earthbending thing is taking place, would you?" miizumi asks, trailing her finger down his chest. "from the looks of these muscles, you must be fighting in this tournament."

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