➤ chapter 32 : dying of thirst

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"I THINK WE should stop for the night

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"I THINK WE should stop for the night." katara says and miizumi feels sokka's head on her back drop as he falls to the ground.

"ooh, are we playing a game?" miizumi asks and collapses next to him.

"is there any more water?" toph asks.

"this is the last of it." katara replies, walking up to sokka, miizumi and toph. "everyone can have a little drink." she bends the water into the air and momo jumps through the water.

"momo, no!" sokka screams. "you've killed us all!"

"no he hasn't." katara says and lifts the water out of the sand.

"wow, i wish i could bend." miizumi quietly gasps and looks to katara who manipulates the water in her hands. the brunette hands the pouch to toph and turns to sokka.

"let me see the things you got from the library." katara says.

"what? i didn't steal anything. who told you that?" sokka exclaims as he clutches the numerous scrolls to his chest, hiding behind miizumi. "it was you!" he pokes miizumi in her forehead. "you ratted me out!"

"no, it was actually avatar kyoshi. remember when aang turned into her?" miizumi responds.

"oh, yeah." he grins and katara grabs the scrolls and opens one of the papers.

"it doesn't matter." aang sighs. "none of those will tell us where appa is."

"no, but we can find out which way ba sing se is." katara replies, trying to lift the boy's spirits. "we can use the stars to guide us. that way, we can travel at night when it's cool, and rest during the day." she explains.

miizumi lays down on her back and sokka joins her on the sand. she turns her head and sees him smiling at her like the biggest idiot in the world. she rolls onto her left side and slightly winces at the pressure being put on her scar.

"hey, remember chong?" sokka mutters, grabbing her by her arm and subtly pulls her closer to him.

"the crazy dude who kept singing about love songs? what about him?" miizumi asks barely above a whisper.

"he said to trust in love." he says. "and i never agreed with anything he ever said until i found you. like, seriously, i learned about your past and i just know you, mii."

"sokka, i wish i knew what to say. i'm not good at these." she smiles.

"it's okay." he responds. she holds his cheek, kissing his forehead before turning over and he grabs her arm. "what are you doing?"

"i can't breathe on my left side, so i don't sleep on that side." she explains. she hears rustling behind her and sokka suddenly lays down in front of her.

"i don't want to not be able to see you when i fall asleep. it makes me think you won't be here in the morning." he whispers.

"why wouldn't i be here?" she stifles a laughter.

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