00 | Rules are stupid

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Rules are stupid

CLARA HATED HER BROTHER— willhelm becuase of what he did. She thought this whole situation was entirely his fualt, and the hatred towards his actions seemed to only grow with the newfound rules that had been set in place for them. Clara hated rules, she thought they were stupid, but unluckily for her, her entire life was based on a firm set of rules, that left no room for Clara to be herself.

"You two will behave? I dont want mother on your backs anymore than she is." Said Erik, his hands gripping the steering wheel, as he drove along the bumpy road, occasionally sending weary glances to the two younger siblings next to him.

"We'll be fine." Clara spoke out, her voice dreadfull. Her eyes wandered past the window, feeling as if she wanted to be anywhere but this car on the way to hillerska. A school that her brother Erik had gone too before her, and loved it, but she wasnt Erik, ahd they deffinatly did not enjoy the same thing.

"Ease up, Clarrie." Erik rolled his eyes, "Hillerska isnt a bad school, you'll make loads of friends there."

"I'd rather not." Clara scoffed, unable to look at Erik without a defying glare.

"Dont be like that." Erik sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You have to atleast try to enjoy your time there."

"Whats the point of trying, if im not going to." Clara shot back, as the car pulled to a stop. Erik pushed himself out of the drivers seat, then helped Clara out of the Car.

"Ah, its a pleasure to see the crown prince again." A lady spoke out, shaking Erik's hand. A taller boy stood beside her, August. One of Eriks old friends, and they're cousin.

"Great to see you too, annette." Erik smiled politely, before his eyes wandered to August, hugging him tightly.

"Welcome to hillerska." Annette addressed Wilhelm first, shaking his hand, then she shook Clara's hand aswell.

"Thanks." Clara responded forcefully, putting a smile on her face even though she didnt mean it. Her eyes wandered around the school, and she had to hold herself back from rolling her eyes at it. She already hated it.

"Wilhelm, long time no see." August stepped forward, moving Wille's face around so he could take a better look at the fading bruise, "you can hardly see it— Alexander! Alexander bragé son of Ulf bragé, owner of bragé investments."

A boy came rushing over, with clean gelled hair, and August rolled his eyes at him. "Manners Alex."

"Hi. Erik, its a pleasure." Erik smiled welcomingly, shaking Alexanders hand.

Clara pressed her lips together as August stepped towards her, and patted her on the shoulder. "Clara, its nice to see you"

"Like-wise August." Clara gave him a warm smile, mumbling under her breath. "though I wish it wasnt at this god forsaken school."

"Clara." Scolded Erik, as August let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"You'll love it here, trust me." August moved his hands away, and slapped Alexander on the back, "You have bags? Alexander will take them."

Alexander nodded, rushing away as quickly as he came.

"Is he your dog, august?" Clara chuckled, amusingly, earning another disaproving look from Erik, though her comment went ignored from everyone else, besides a small smirk from august.

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