11 | Dont kiss and tell

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"Dont kiss and tell."

                CLARA WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING— With Henry kissing her neck gently, his warm body leaning over hers. The sun shined through the windows, cascading onto their bodies. Clara smiled, pulling Henry closer towards her, connecting their lips. It reminded her of their night together, the way Henry had touched her, the way his lips felt against hers, skin against skin, the sound of him. She wanted to savor the memory, to hold it in the back of her head for the rest of her life.

"Hi." Henry said sweetly, pushing back a strand of Clara's hair, his head glanced towards the door and he sighed, "You gotta get back to your dorm before my roomate gets pissed."

Henry pushed himself off his bed, scavenging through the clothes on his floor for something that Clara could wear, but what he came up with, wasnt what Clara had came in with, like she expected it to. Henry stepped around her knees, helping her through the sleeves of his rowing hoodie, laughing as her head peeked through. Then he grabbed her a pair of sweatpants. Henry tugged on another pair of sweatpants, leaving him only shirtless, as he came back towards Clara.

"You alright?" He asked her, his hands on her shoulders, "I can always tell him to fuck off if you cant walk back."

Clara rolled her eyes, getting off of Henry's warm bed, almost tripping over herself in the process. She ignored the soreness in her legs, and made her way towards the door, that Henry pried open for her, "Ill see you later?"

Henry nodded, "if you dont get cuaght."

"I wont." Clara pressed a kiss to him lips, before rushing down the hallway towards her dorm before anyone could see her.

                    "Henry on the table! Henry on the table! Henry on the table!" Henry's roomate didnt need to tell people, for everyone to know what he was up to last night, since they had seen Til, Henry's roomate, lounging in the common room, claiming that Henry 'was busy.' Which could only ever mean one thing. The gossip of Wilhelm and Simon didnt disrupt their tradition, even though Henry wished he had. He didnt think it was the best idea to tell half the school who he had sex with, but they continued chanting.

"Henry on the table! Henry on the table!"

Walter from beside him, looked at him expetedly, like he thought he'd actually stand on his chair.

"Come on Henry!" Vincent encouraged, "Who's the lucky girl?"

"I dont kiss and tell, Vincent." Henry rolled his eyes, but he couldnt help the amused smile falling onto his lips. The hall kept chanting, and almost as if Henry's prayers had been answered, the door to the hall flew open, revealing Mr. England.

"Oh, quite down boys— thats enough!" The hall laughed, slapping Henry on the back, before they settled on not recieving an answer from him, they'd have to get it sooner than later.

Clara was eager to see Henry again, who was the highlight of her day— so far she had managed to ignore Wilhelm completly too upset to even look at him. Her words had panged her, cutting deeper than she expected them too. Part of her didnt want him to mean it, for him to take it all back, but another part of her knew he had meant it, his words nothing but the truth. Clara's phone rung from the table beside her, interrupting her studying. Fredrika and Stella sat infront of her, eying the vibrating phone. Clara huffed, grabbing it. It was her mother, someone who Clara never expected a call from. Clara shook her head, tossing the phone from her eyesight and let the ringing die out.

"Your not going to answer her?" Asked Fredrika, Clara shook her head, focusing back on her work as a figure rounded the corner.

"Claraaa." He sang, leaning over her to snatch her pencil, Clara huffed rolling her eyes, even though she really wanted to see him.

"Im trying to study, Henry." She gave him a pointed look, but he still had that goofy smile of his on.

"Who cares?" He scoffed, then straightened up, "Well, anyways Vincent is asking for you."

Clara frowned, "why?"

Henry shrugged, unable to form a reasonable answer, "Dont ask me, he just told me to come get you."

Clara pushed her chair back, following after Henry who led her to Vincent. He was waiting in one of the common rooms beside August and Nils. Henry was almost immediately shoo'ed from the room, and Vincent pulled Clara to sit beside him.

"So Clara." Started Vincent almost immediately, "how do you feel about going to a party?"

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