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NAILEA STOOD THERE, her breath visible in the crisp morning air, the dawn casting a soft light over the campus. The tranquility of the hour was her solace, a time when she could lace up her sneakers, pull on her gym clothes, and just run. Running had become her way to outrun her past, to escape the lingering temptation that haunted her.

The weight of responsibility had settled on her young shoulders like a yoke. With her parents lost in a maze of constant bickering, she had become the default guardian for her little sister, a role that was both a burden and a blessing. It was during those tumultuous times that Nailea had sought refuge in substances, a desperate attempt to dull the cacophony of her life.

But Caitlin's discovery had been a turning point. The betrayal, the anger, the ultimatum to seek therapy or face the shattering revelation to her parents—it had all coalesced into a force that drove her toward recovery. Yet, despite the progress, despite the veneer of normalcy, there was always that whisper in her mind, a siren's call to just give in "one more time."

That morning, as Nailea tiptoed past her roommate Nika's slumbering form, she couldn't resist capturing the moment of innocent repose, a memory to tease her with later. Once outside, she slipped her AirPods in, the music a catalyst for the ritual that would cleanse her mind.

Then, an unexpected voice sliced through the preparation of her routine.


It was a voice that resonated with a thousand memories, a voice that could unravel her with a single word. Paige. The one who could make Nailea's heart race without a single step taken. Avoiding eye contact, Nailea fiddled with her jacket, seeking a distraction in the mundane action of zipping it up.

"Look Lea, can we talk?" Paige called, the use of the nickname piercing through Nailea's defenses as if it were a key designed to unlock something long-sealed within her.

"What do you want Paige?" Nailea's voice was strained as she removed her AirPods, reluctantly offering her full attention to the girl who had once meant everything.

Paige had closed the distance between them, her presence magnetic, an unseen force that drew Nailea in despite her resolve. Their eyes met, and in Paige's gaze, Nailea saw a tumult of regret, while her own eyes brimmed with unshed tears, the sadness within threatening to spill over.

The air around them was charged with tension, a silent struggle waged as Nailea fought to maintain her composure. Paige's eyes flitted to Nailea's lips, a gesture that did not go unnoticed, stirring a temptation that Nailea fought to resist.

Forcing her gaze away, Nailea sought to regain control, to not let Paige see how much she was affected by her proximity.

"Why did you do it?" she managed to ask, her voice barely betraying the crack that threatened to expose her vulnerability.


I wanted to have a reason, I really did but I didn't. I couldn't tell her I was jealous. I mean what good would that do.

I just stared at her analysing her features. She looked more mature. More beautiful. I didn't think that was possible

"Paige you can't keep doing this to me" she said shaking her head turning away to start her run which I've probably intervened with atleast 3 times

"Doing what?" I asked confused

She scoffed.

"Paige you were my best friend and YOU LEFT! You didn't bother to call, you froze me out and when you knew my parents were getting worse you never even asked how I was. You literally cut me off for a reason I still don't know and all you can say is sorry?!"

Tears now left her eyes and  the guilt I was feeling throughout these years was nothing compared to what I felt now

I stuttered with my wordings, how was I supposed to say this

Seeing the pain she had in her eyes all that because I was selfish

"Just leave me alone" she said after not hearing a word from me

I can't let her go. Not again

I closed my eyes, screw it

"I was jealous." I yelled making her stop

She turned around and began walking over to me

"Jealous of who?" She asked completely confused on who I would be talking about

"I was jealous of your boyfriend, he followed you around like some lost puppy and I never got the chance to hang out with you like I used to. He would tell me things about you and I wanted to hurt him for it. He eventually figured out things.. about me and made my life a living hell. Making sure to make plans with you when I tried to make plans with you pushing you away from me all the time. And I know, I know it wasn't even you. I just took it out on you and I'm really sorry. What I said that day. I was angry, I didn't mean it." I blurted out all at once

I looked her in the eyes throughout everything hoping she knew I meant it

Nailea came here and nows my chance I'm just hoping I haven't already screwed it up

She started walking closer to me and soon our faces were so close to one another.

Damn i wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn't want to force her

I saw she was looking at my lips and I took that as a chance

I leaned it and I could see she was leaning in to

Suddenly I heard someone yell her name

" Yo Nai where you at?!"  She immediately pushed away and stood a subtle distance away from me

I internally groaned.


I jumped away in shock. What the actual fuck. Were we about to kiss

I mean it was obvious we were but did she mean it

Paige cleared her throat and I could see a hint of annoyance in her face as a brunette boy walked up beside me

"Nai where you been I went to your dorm and you weren't there" he goes on completely oblivious to Paige's presence

I glared at him trying to make him aware he walked into something and he still couldn't get the hint

I sighed rolling my eyes how dumb is he

I kicked his ankle and he quickly groaned in pain I eyed him and then proceeded to look behind him

About time I thought as he looked to see Paige

"Oh hey P" he said smiling

"Hey Nick" Paige said giving him a tight lipped smile

She looked at me immediately after full of jealousy

Hollon cause why was this hot-

No shut up

"Geno said he wanted you to come to the gym for training" he told us both completely unaware of the tension

"Alright Nick thanks we'll head down"

He smiled ruffling my hair and I swatted his hand away leaving

"We should go" I say trying to leave this awkward situation

"Um yeah let's go" Paige said also

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