🩵An Artblock With A Snack!🩷

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   As I woke up, I scanned my surroundings to see Hoppy, resting on my leg, Bobby, resting on my other leg, Dogday, snoring next to Catnap, who was on my pillow.

I gently moved Bobby and Hoppy to the side waking them up a bit, and getting up to open the door.

  "Where are you going Momma?" Bobby  asks while rubbing her eyes due to her just waking up.

"I gotta go to the store before it closes later, anything you want?" I say softly to the sleepy red love bear.

"Oo! Can I have something sweet?" Called out bobby was she sat up on her knees and shins, waking up her other siblings in the process.

"Sweets?" Said Hoppy has she too, woke up rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms up in the air.

I nodded at all the sleepy critters as they woke, stretching and rubbing their sleepy eyes.

"What sweets do you all want from the store since you can't come with" I said waiting happily as they spoke one by one, telling me what sugary candies they want from the store.

When they all finished, I waved goodbye and told them to behave while I left to head down to the store since it was my day off.

Surprisingly, the store was open! I walked up to the door, grabbed a cart, and began my shopping, buying small clothes for all the critters I had in my house along with the sweets they wanted.

As I walked up to the cashier, I added some more sweets to my cart for later if they wanted more, and checked out. But when I walked out the store I heard crying and grumbling, so I turned to my right and walked towards here my eyes were set, holding my bags full of sweets and clothes. I had bought extra clothes just incase, and it was a good thing I did. As I checked there it was, a small crying unicorn with a flower necklace, next to a bubble gum pink pig with an apple necklace holding her unicorn friend watching me in fear.

I held out my hand to them, offering a snack I pulled from my bag, reassuring them I meant no harm.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you, come with me so I can clean you two up ok?" I spoke to them with an extremely soft tone to not frighten the sensitive unicorn and fearful pig, as i opened my bag.

They hesitated before soon climbing into my bag and lowering the tension in their bodies, as the sat down in the bag. I walked to my house with a little struggle, since I was holding heavy bags and 2 fragile critters in my bag on the way. I felt instant relief as I omopen my door and placed the bag full of clothes and snacks, with food for dinner on my counter.

I walked to the living room, where Catnap was resting on the couch, Bobby was watching TV, and Dogdah was playing with Hoppy.

"Hey kids, I have a surpise for you" I say, kneeling down to their level holding my bag while gently placing it on the floor infront of them.

"What is it Momma?" Dogday said excitingly waiting infront of the bag.

I opened the bag slowly, and out came the pink pig, and crafty unicorn.

All the critters gasped and "oo'd" in amazement when they saw their new siblings, and flooded them with questions and excitement.

"I-im craftycorn" the unicorn said shyly, not making complete eye contact with her new siblings.

"Pickypiggy's the name!" Shouted the excited pig, who was happy to finally have a loving family after a long time on the streets.

"I'm sure your new siblings know what time it is" I say along with a slight giggle as I look at Dogday, who was eager to spill.

  "Bathtime!" Dogday yelled as he hopped up and down.

I giggle at the sight, and lifted the new members, and bring them to the bathroom. I leave the door open, so Dogday could watch if he wanted, which he and Catnap loved doing ever since Bobby and Hoppy arrived.

  I stopped Picky when she tried to eat the bubbles in the bathtub, and told her she'd get sick if she did so. I could tell she was starving, so I tried to wash them up as quick as possible to feed the starving souls.

The bath was finally over, and Dogday handed me a nice warm towel for them. I petted his head which made his tail wag rapidly in the process, as I gently took the towel and dried them off one by one. I did Crafty first, she seemed to love it! She happily hugged Picky when she was dry, finally being clean after God knows how long.

  I stand up and walk out the door with all the critters following behind me like ducklings following their mother. Hearing their little pidder patters as you made your way to the kitchen made my heart melt. I opened the fridg and held my breathe when I saw bacon and thought of Picky. I shook my head and grabbed some eggs, salt and pepper, and began to Cook. Picky was bouncing in her seat, waiting what felt like forever to her, for her first real meal.

I put the food on plates, and served it to all the adorable critters. Catnap took his time, while Picky ate it like it was going to walk away from her. When they all finished, I walked over to a small closet I built for them, and pulled out PJ'S I knitted for them that same day while they ate their food. My hands ached a bit from sewing and knitting. I placed the PJ's on all of them, and helped them get in the room and on the bed for nap time. Catnap slept in his usual spot, and so did Dogday, as all of their other siblings found comfy spots around me.

When everyone got comfy, I played a movie for the ones who couldn't sleep, and eventually, we were all knocked out before the movie could finish.

(1040 words)


POV: you adopted the smiling critters! (2 by 2 tho..)Where stories live. Discover now