Bubba's cute day💙👌

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   When I woke up this morning, i carefully got up so I didn't wake any of my grinning kids. But as I got up, Kickin opened his eyes and watched as I got up before saying,

  "Where are you going Momma?" He said while rubbing his eyes with his small feathery hands.

"I'm just gonna make breakfast" I responded quietly, so I didn't wake the others.

Kickins eyes lit up like stars when I finished my sentence, and he sprung up, eagerly wanting to help me qih breakfast. He ended up waking hoppy, and because of that, and stood up lazily and smacked him on the head, before scolding him, and then sleeping again.

Kickin rubbed where hoppy whacked him, and carefully hopped of the bed and walked (or waddled) to me with a slight sad face.

"You okay hun?" I ask kickin, as a kneel down to his level and gently rub where hoppy whacked him on his small feathery head.

He nodded with a slight smile, and hugged my leg since that was the only thing he could reach for now. I picked him up and walked out the bedroom door, and headed to the kitchen with kickin in my hands.

I placed him on the counter, and put a tiny appron on him, and a appron on me as well but not as tiny as his. I opened the fridge and saw chicken on the top shelf, but I quickly hid it and planned to throw it away when kickin left the kitchen.

After making breakfast, I pat kickins head and thank him for being a helper, and walk to the bedroom to wake up the others. But when I woke them up, they all woke up except Bubba. Bubba slept slightly curled up, which was adorable in my eyes, so I snapped a pic and woke him..sadly.

Bubba opened his eyes slowly and sat up, rubbing his eyes with his nubby blue hands. He yawned the cutest yawn you could ever witness, and stood up reaching his arms out to me, indicating that he wanted to be held. I could tell he was still quite sleepy, so I didn't complain and found it extremely cute.

  I picked him up and he leaned his head onto my chest as I held him, as I walked out the door. I saw the others at the table eating, and ofc picky finished first and catnap finished slowly after. But, this time, as I but Bubba in his blue seat, he ate slowly as if he was catnap. I knew it was because he was sleepy, so I waited it out until he finished.

  After a looooong while, Bubba finally got his energy back, but was very clingy today, mostly to me or kickin. He would walk up to me and reach his fuzzy blue arms out to me, waiting to be held. Or he would go to kickin, and hug him, and never let go until I tell him to come to me.

Since I thought Bubba was being very cute today, I decided to make him cuter. I looked into he closet of cuteness, and found the perfect outfit for Bubba.

The outfit, was a baby blue baggy hoodie, with light blue star sweat pants, and small reading glasses. I put it on Bubba, and he looked beyond cute. He was he most adorable thing ive ever seen, He would even plop down, and make a "(-v-)" kind of face (someone PLEASE draw that😭🤚). Bubba was having his 'cute day', which made it my best day ever.

When he wanted to watch some educational shows, he would hop up on the couch with a tiny struggle, and sit in my lap as he watched with a happy smile on his small fuzzy blue blue face.

  Unfortunately, it was bedtime, meaning no more cute Bubba, not even tomorrow. I picked up Bubba as all the others ran into the bedroom, seeming eager to finally sleep. I took off Bubbas clothes (pause💀) and put on his baby blue "school themed" PJ'S, and did the same with the others.

  After Bubba helped Kickin climb on the bed, since kickin was the shortest one, he hopped into the bed and flopped in his usual spot, behind the pillow.

When everyone got ready, they slept soundly, especially Bubba. They slept so peacefully, while DogDay slept a little crooked and diagonal next to Catnap on my pillow. Bubba slept adorably, though, it's a shame he won't be this cute in he morning, and will go back to being the same little smart soul he always was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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