Soccer practice

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(Georgias POV)

It was about a 15 minute drive to the field, so I put my AirPods in and played 'DOGTOOTH' by Tyler the creator

Nelson tapped my shoulder "what you listening to?"

"Here" I handed him one of my AirPods

I leaned my head on Nelson for the rest of the car ride. He seemed to be fine with it, because he just smiled at me the whole time. The boys kept taking videos and pictures of us but I just flipped them off every time. I think I like it here more than at my house. I know it's bad to say, but I just feel loved here.

When we got there my teammate, and bestie, maddie ran up to me but stopped in her tracks when she saw who I was with. Once she broke out of her trance, she ripped me away from them causing Nelson to cuss her out.

"Ok! who, what, where, when, why, and HOW TF" she says almost screaming

"Holy mads calm down. My parents are gone so we're staying with the Neumanns." I smile

"One lucky girl" she says

"Girl no. All they do is harass me." I laugh

"You like Nelson don't you" she nudges me as we walk into the field gates

"What how would you possibly even think that" I ask nervous

"Girl shut up, I saw the way you guys were looking at each other. Ahhh you guys would be so cute!!" She says basically squealing and jumping up and down

"Maddie be quiet they're gonna hear" I shush her

After talking with all the other girls and putting my cleats on, we started warmups. Warmups is like a mini therapy session for all the girls on the team including me. We usually talk about boy problems, school problems, and our opps, but nooooo today they HAD to talk about how I walked in with all the boys. They knew Jake played for cam but they didn't know I knew him. And now they know I have a crush on Nelson, because maddie HAD to blab about it.

"Okay girls! Come over to me" coach yells

When I looked to wear he yelled from, I saw cam and his camera man, along with the boys. Please tell me there not filming this

"So I'm sure you all know who cam wilder is. We are also accompanied by some of his players" coach says to all of our confused and concerned faces "you girls, will be teaching these boys how to play soccer"

"noooooo whyyy" I whine

"Georgia shut up you'll be fine" coach Ryan rolls his eyes

I just groaned and let him explain. He said he originally had a different plan for today, but was talking to cam and came up with this plan. He explained that we will be paired up and in groups, to teach the boys different skills and drills. At the end of this, we will be playing a game against them.

"Okay so the groups will be, Georgia and Nelson. maddie, maya, and Luke. Amanda, Claire and Niles. Caitlyn, Natalie, Hannah, and Jake. And finally, ava, Emily, Taya with Noah." Ryan says

"Why am I the only one in a group of 2??" I ask with an attitude

"Because a little birdie told me that you like nel-" I cut him off by throwing a ball at him

When we broke up into groups, I grabbed Nelson's arm and a few balls and headed towards the net. I handed him a ball and told him to shoot. When he shot I almost cringed. First of all, he shot with his toe, and not only that, he completely missed the net. I sighed knowing I have to teach a lot in a very short period of time

*30 mins later*

(Cams POV)

Me, Ryan and ray, my camera man, have just been going around filming and commentating all the groups. I noticed how close Georgia and Nelson are already. The thing is, Georgia is like my little sister, and I don't want to see her hurt. She already has a tough enough time at home, I just don't ever want to see her sad. But I'm not gonna lie, they are kind of cute together and I already know all the fan girls are not gonna be happy about this one when the video comes out.

I walked over to Nelson and Georgia with ray trailing behind with the camera.

"Hey lovebirds" I smirk getting a ball to the head in return. "Down and back go" I say to the two teens who are on the ground laughing

"Fuck you cam" Nelson says

"I said down and back" I point to the other side of the field

The two teenagers groan and "run" to the other end of the field and back to me. When they came back Nelson was huffing and puffing

"Damn fat ass, you weren't even running" I look at Nelson blankly and Georgia was laughing at him

*time skip to after practice*

The boys and girls played against each other. The girls won 10-1. Let's just say the boys were huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf by the end of the game.

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