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(Georgia's POV)

After 2 hours, 3 naps, 10 fights, and two episodes of my life with the Walter boys, we made it to the hotel. I didn't wanna walk, so Jakes giving me a piggy back ride while the boys grabbed all of our bags. Jake told me once we settle in he has to tell me and Luke something. I'm guessing It has to do with something about our parents, because Jake never has sit down talks with us let alone talk to the both of us, unless it has to do with them. But you never know with Jake, he could just be talking to us for a stupid reason. I just try not to think of it too hard.

"Come onnn Georgia, we're going to our room" Nelson waves me over

I jump off Jakes back. "Just text me when you wanna talk" I say to him as he nods walking to the desk to check in

I run over to Nelson and snatch the room card from him. He side eyes me as I take my bags from him. Idk what it is about him. He's different. I mean we're only 13 and 14, and he treats me like I read in the books, and see on TikTok. We're not dating but we may as well be, he treats me as if we've known each other for our whole lives.

"Nels?" I look at him

"Yes ma" he locks eyes with me

"Should I start a YouTube channel?" I ask

"I mean I think it's a good idea. You could do vlogs and ooooo you could do a basketball video with me" he cheeses while unlocking our hotel room

" nels you know I don't know how to play basketball" I roll my eyes

"Roll ur eyes at me again" he flips me off "and don't worry I'll teach you how to play basketball"

"Wanna make a q&a with me after I get back from talking to Jake?" I say as I plop down onto the bed

Nelson jumps on top of me "ya want me to post one of those ask us questions things on my instagram story" he asks as he starts playing with my necklace

"Yes please. Jake just texted me. I'm not sure what this is about and how long it's gonna take, so I'll just text you when I'm omw back ok?" I ask

Nelson gets up and wraps his arms around my waist as I stand. I lock my fingers behind his neck and just admire him. He's got the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I'm also like really jealous of his lashes. They're dark and long, it almost looks like he has mascara on. I look down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. We both lean in and our lips connect. We pull away after like 10 seconds, blushing and smiling.

"Bye ma" Nelson hugs me and opens the door for me

I walk out the door, and head to the room number Jake sent me. When I reach 357, I knock and Luke answers. I'm pretty sure him and jake are sharing a room because both of their stuff is already thrown all over the room. We haven't even been here for 30 minutes, how have they already managed to trash the place?

Jake interrupts my thoughts "guys can you sit down" Jake says but he doesn't look into our eyes

When Jake looks back, I can already tell this conversation is not going to be good. He has tears in his eyes. Jake never cries. I got up and hugged him. He immediately embraced me in a tight hug. After a couple of minutes of just standing there in silence, he finally let go and spoke.

"Idk how to say this but, mom and dad aren't coming home. I got a very long text from mom when we were in the van explaining that her and dad aren't coming home" he says slowly and shaky

"What do you mean? They can't just not come home. Where are we gonna live" Luke says as his eyes glaze over

I just break down into tears. I knew my parents weren't the best, but I didn't think they would just drop their own kids. As I think about it though, they packed most of their room up before we left, and were very quick to drop us off.

"She told me she got in contact with cam and Marie and they are going to adopt us until I'm old enough to become ur legal guardian. Once we get back, Cassie is bringing us to get all of our stuff and bring it to cams." He says embracing luke and I in a hug as cam walks in

"I'm so sorry guys. I don't know why they did this but I'm here. I'm always here. I promise" he smiles a weak smile

I get up and jump into cams arms. I just cried into his shoulder until it hurt. I whisper a thank you to him and he just held me. I don't get it. How could they do this, and why. I mean it's not gonna be a big change from before but at least I had parents then.

We all talked about what's gonna happen for an hour until we all decided to head back to our rooms. In a way, I think this is a gift from god. Obviously our parents didn't love us, so I think he has lead us to people that actually love us and aren't gonna leave.

I hate my parents.

(Nelson's POV)

When Georgia left, I just turned on the tv and watched random videos on YouTube. After about an hour there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and saw Georgia standing there with red puffy eyes. This sight absolutely broke my heart. I don't ever want to see her sad, and by the looks of her right now, whatever Jake told her is not good.

"Ma what's wrong?" I bring her inside, bring her to the bed and wrap my arms around her.

*20 minutes later*
(Nelsons nickname for Georgia is Gia btw)

Gia just finished explaining what Jake told her. I was at a loss for words. How could somebody do that to their kids. Especially the west siblings. I just want to take all her pain away. At least she can be happy now. She told me how unhappy she got whenever they would leave, so I'm hoping this puts her at ease after the situation finally settles down.

I just comforted her as she cried in my arms, and eventually cried herself to sleep. I couldn't sleep. This really gives me a perspective about how lucky I am to have the parents I do. I just can't comprehend how parents could do that to their kids. But it settles my mind down a little to know they'll be with cam. Jake told me once that they used to go to his house a lot whenever their parents left, and I know she loves him as family. I also know that she loves cams girlfriend Marie as family, so this is the best scenario in this situation.

I hate her parents.

(Idk if this makes sense but oh well)

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