Chapter 5 - Aphmau's demons

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*Aphmau's POV*

I remember her name spilling out of my mouth ever so vividly. It was like spitting out poison. Filthy and rotten. The amount of disgust I had on my face said it all when she started bursting out laughing. Cackling like an old hag of a witch. I wanted to say so many things. Call her names, berate her for putting me through this torture. But at the end of the day, I was given the short end of the stick. She had the shiny gold end, where she could flex and say 'Hey look at me I'm better than you, and always will be.'

She flexed out her index finger, lifted my chin, and smiled at me one more time before she said "Someone has been dying to meet you."

"Oh yeah, is that your dad who walked out to get milk?"

It took her a hot minute to realize what just came out of my mouth. Her face went blank but it grew hot with anger. I swear I could see steam coming from everywhere in her face. She stormed to the other end of the room, and began rummaging through shelves upon shelves filled to the brink with various medical objects and things that seemed out of the ordinary. She was there for a bit, and when she started walking back I said, "Before you go jabbing anything, make sure you call the missing daddy hotline, I'm sure they'd love to talk to you." She stopped dead in her tracks and her mouth wide open. "Be careful you might catch flies."

"That's it I've had enough of you!" She started storming towards me in a pit of fiery rage. I swear I could see her hair on fire, it was the most drastic thing I've ever seen. She then began berating me with words I didn't think she even knew about, because the amount of filth I've heard I wanted to rinse my own mouth out with soap. But before she could even reach me, the door swung wide open and the man that had walked in, held out his hand and Cathy stopped dead in her tracks. Her arms and legs were being contorted and twisted and her head swung back in pain. Screeching and screaming. I couldn't do anything but watch, all I could do was just sit there and think about how Cathy was the one now that was getting tortured. Even though I was cuffed to the bed, I couldn't even move or bat an eye or say anything to make it stop. I know Cathy was the one who had put me here but I still wouldn't wish the amount of pain I'm now witnessing on any of my enemies. Wishing pain on someone, is so vile, so destructive, something I could never do.

By the time I was left alone in my thoughts, and once I had come back to reality, Cathy was now a mix of purple and blue. By that time I had jolted up into an upright position, and shouted "Stop please! I can't take it anymore! Please Stop!" I was now left breathless as I was gasping for air, I felt like I was running a marathon. I felt my chest getting heavier and heavier by the second, as I seen Cathy drop to the floor not being able to move. The man was now standing in the door way looking me up and down. Trickles of sweat were now running down my face and falling into every crevice on my body. The man wasn't saying anything, he just stood there, staring at me. I had no idea what else to say, or I don't even know if I could say anything, I felt like my tongue was ripped out I couldn't speak. 

"So your the girl who Cathy was so obsessed with?" The man spoke with a deep rumbling tone. It almost felt soothing but yet again it felt eerie. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I spoke whilst I was panting. Why am I so out of breath? 

"Now now, all your questions may be answered but do YOU know why you're here?"

"What? Stop playing games with me!" I grew restless.

"Ah so you don't remember what happened?"

"What are you talking about I-" My head had jerked back as all of a sudden I was shown various flashbacks of what had occurred on starlight. These things were floating around me, Aaron was covered in this purple stuff, I think it was called the void but- wait.. Aaron where is he? Oh no is he dead? A million thoughts were flowing in and crashing in on me all at once, and I was immediately over whelmed. 

I sprung back into reality as I jolted so far forward I almost touched the man's nose. I sat back into the bed, trying to sink myself as for as I could to get away from the man as he was inching closer by the second.

"Aww don't be so frightened, do you now know why your so special?" He spoke as he caressed my cheek, ever so slightly. It sent shivers up and down my spine. He started playing with my hair, touching my cheeks, pinching me, poking me and all I could do was just sit there. The final straw was his hand making his way down to my chest, and every fibre in me started screaming, I grew hot with anger by every minute of the hour. I felt disgusting, violated and everything in between. His hand was now just above my chest, and his hand was inching closer and closer and suddenly I broke free. With my left hand I grabbed him and shoved him across the room. It felt like something took over me cause I felt like I had no control over myself or what I could do. I held my hand out, and I could start to feel my hand growing warm but it felt comforting at the same time. Weird. I put my hand in front of where the man now was, and something about his energy gave off that he was cowering in fear. But was he? 

"How dare you touch me, you have no right to." I spoke but something about my voice didn't seem right. It felt as if I was echoing and my voice sounded more full. I don't how I should feel about this but I felt empowered and I felt strong.

"You see why your so special? You have the eyes of her, you have the exact same aura as her, everything about you is the exact same as her." The man spoke in angst.

The latches on my right arm and both my legs were now broken as I had set myself free. I was now standing on my own two feet and I felt good being in my own body but at what cost? I felt empowered yes but I didn't feel good I wanted to feel good but it didn't feel right. 

"What are you talking about? You know nothing about me!"

"I think you should be saying that about yourself, you don't even know who you are. You are the saint."

"Do you really think this looks like a saint? Really?" I grew more hot with anger as everything in me felt like I was on fire. And now I felt like I was trapped in my own body, like I couldn't do anything but have this weird inner-outer body experience. I didn't like it, I wanted to go back to the way I was before. I wanted to be me, to have my body back. 

"You can't control her can you?"

"Control who?" 

"Lady Irene." Cathy spoke, as she injected this weird cooling, but yet warm liquid into me, and I could start to feel myself giving way. I was slowly coming back to my body, than in an instance everything went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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