A Pill Or Antidepressant

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The Resistance Center lab was large and full of lab equipments and Yvonne was in a lab suit, talking with her boss, Samuel.

Yvonne was over her clipboard, writing so unnecessarily fast that Theodore had then gently called out for her. "Yvonne? We're here."

She looked up and instantly walked over to them, her shiny red hair bouncing a lil, and she smiled towards them. "Hello, you are welcomed to the lab," she said to the girls.

"Thank you, the lab looks awesome." Roseanne commented, smiling a little as she softly taps her fingers on a table and catching Samuel walking over with a pair of smiling eyes.

"This is my boss, Samuel Blythe." Yvonne introduced and Roseanne choked on her saliva as the boys silently smirked, they'd had already knew long along that Samuel and Samantha are siblings.

"You're Samantha's brother?!" Jennie said very shocked as she widened her eyes as she looked closely at Samuel, catching a few similarities with Samantha.

"Yes, I am." Samuel laughed a little and he shrugged, turning to Roseanne. "I offer my condolences when I heard the tragic news. Immediately, when her body move here temporarily, I decided to work on it and I and Yvonne found something very shocking."

"What is it?" Roseanne worriedly asked as Samuel took them to their office and he'd instructed them to seat down calmly and he brought out a file.

"I think you better read this." Samuel said as he handed the file to Roseanne who is now shaking like an abused child and she opened it with furrowed eyebrows, quietly reading until her eyes widened.

"What happened?" Lisa curiously asked.

"This file said that the only useful thing they found in Rosalie's body was a thing called Cholera-gin." Roseanne frowned. "What's that?"

"It's a pill." Yvonne spoke up. "It's a pill or a antidepressant. Just three doses of these in morning, afternoon and evening will be life threatening to the patient. It seems so that Rosalie consumed them."

Roseanne's weak legs gave away and she fell on the floor. "Antidepressant? Wait, are you telling me my sister took the pills and that she's depressed?"

"Most likely, yes." Samuel nodded as he readjusted his glasses. "Cholera-gin has high benefits when it comes to this term, depression but Cholera-gin is very rare to find and is even banned. This could only be purchased in the black market. Not so many people have connections with the black market in the underworld." Samuel added.

Roseanne suddenly couldn't breathe and gasped dryly, "I need water...water." This request sent Christian running madly to the water dispenser and filling a cup and helping Roseanne drinking it, patting her back.

"I understand what you're saying but this still doesn't make a lot of sense to me and I can't understand why Rosalie is a victim of depression because there's no reason to be depressed about in her perfect life." As she said this, Roseanne was feeling calm as the soft rubs of Christian's warm palm soothed her body in a weird but good way.

"Many people could be depressed even for no typical reason. You've never knew this? Or even your whole family?" Samuel asks and sighed as Roseanne shook her head.

"You said this pill could be purchased in the blank market?" Roseanne asked and for a few seconds, Jackson stiffened and he gulped, easing down. Samuel nodded as Roseanne frowned. "How could Rosalie have connections to the underworld, it's so unlike her. Someone must be getting these pills for her."

"And we need to find out who and track them down." Theodore said, a light of determination flickering in his eyes.

Everyone helped Roseanne up and led her out of the laboratory to the hall. Her legs is weak and she kept on stumbling.

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