3. pregnancy cravings (Becky g!p)

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becky doesn't think neither of them realized just how strange and random pregnancy cravings could be.

The morning freen hits her second trimester, gets a whiff of sizzling bacon drifting from the kitchen, and feels an undeniable urge to devour the greasy meat.

becky knows the next six months won't be easy. After spending the whole day trying to comfort her sobbing wife and promising to never bring bacon back into their home while desperately trying not to laugh, becky learns to expect the unexpected.

Soon after, the strange combination of oranges and mustard takes over their fridge which quickly follows peanut butter and whipped cream.
The demands are white toast bread and jalapeno peppers for two days only. With butter. And of course, the classic pickles and ketchup are at an all-time high.

Only freen sarocha can pull off wolfing down and double-fisting two large pickles while ketchup drips everywhere in their kitchen and make it look cute.

And becky has no intentions of stopping her - not if she still wants to be married, as freen lovingly and often reminds her - and dutifully makes the 2 a.m. runs to the local bodegas where everybody knows her name by now.

She's out on another run, a little later than usual - for chocolate this time - when her phone rings, blasting out You're Having My Baby in her pocket. Don't ask, she lost a bet to tee.

"Hey, baby. I'm still at the store but did you think of something else you need?"
becky mumbles under her breath, bending down to look at the ingredients of a vegan chocolate bar before putting it in the basket. It's not uncommon freen cravings change completely within seconds so becky always stays longer and prays each time by the time she goes home, she doesn't have to turn around and do it all over again.

"I need you to come home."

becky instantly straightens at the words as her stomach clinches in worry and furrows her eyebrows,

"Why? What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

"Just come home. Right now."

freen tone is direct and harsh, something becky hasn't heard before. It's safe to say, she panics
"Wh - "

"Now, becky ...and bring chocolate syrup."

Before she has time to comprehend what happened, the line gets cut leaving becky standing in the middle of the aisle with her mouth hanging open.

She looks around helplessly, torn between running out of the store to find out what happened and getting the things freen wants.
Her rational side wins eventually, convincing herself freen would sound upset if something was wrong but she quickly grabs the nearest chocolate syrup, almost yells at the cashier to hurry up, and jogs the three blocks until she reaches their door, just in case.

"freen? Where are you?"
She calls out when she finds the living room and kitchen empty, head turning side to side to try and find her wife

Rushing down the hallway to the bedroom, becky throws the door open and promptly stops dead in her tracks at the sight of freen spread out naked on their bed, two fingers pumping in and out of her pussy.

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