Imagine 31: A Radio's Tune🎵 (Pt. 2)

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pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*Summary: Y/N is a new resident at Hell. Being a gifted singer, Alastor sees potential in her and offers her to sing at his radio tower. And up there...Alastor offers Y/N...a deal.*

requested by Sen_moon

*Y/N's POV*

You exhale a nervous breath, fingers fidgeting and pinching your hands as you slowly, hesitantly, climb your way up the spiral steps that lead to the hotel's peaking tower...Alastor's radio tower.
You couldn't believe you're actually doing this. On your way to Alastor's tower, where he awaits your arrival, only then for you to go live on the air and sing for hundreds upon thousands who will be listening or standing nearby a radio.

You've never sang in front of people before. You mostly sing to yourself--Alastor was an exception because he was one of your inspirations to sing, and because you're a fan of his radio show.

It was such a relief that Alastor didn't laugh or mock your singing--as Valentino used to do...damn that bastard--but you can't help but feel Alastor might like your voice a bit too much.
Ever since you sang for him the first time...he's always kind of requested you hum or sing softly whenever he sees you in the hotel.

A little chuckle escapes your lips. You suppose you already got yourself a fan...with someone you never believed would be a fan of yours.

As your hand gently pushes open the wooden door, you see in front of you everything that is used to run a radio station. The microphone, buttons, dials, every little thing perfectly aligned and displayed.

The sunset is slowly coming to its end, sending rays of gold and red light to shine through the glass windows that surround the entire tower, making the inside of the tower glow ever so slightly.

Sitting in a wooden chair beside a small desk is the Radio Demon himself, hands gingerly clasped around his crossed legs.
His eyes meet yours the instant you arrive, and he smiles grandly. "Ah, Y/N dearie! I'm so happy you made it!" Alastor stands up, approaching you in three quick steps before taking your hand and leading you eagerly to a part of the tower that's a singing booth.

You step inside, standing in front of an old timey microphone, glancing down to see a few music sheets displayed for you to read the lyrics to the song you chose to sing.
It was sweet of him to allow you a song of your choice to sing, and even more sweet of him to write down the lyrics for you--even though you have them memorized like the back of your hand. the saying goes. It's the thought that counts.

As you take a drink of water to both moist your throat and calm your nervous nerves, Alastor approaches the buttons and dials and presses one, where then a light comes on and says ON AIR.

You gulp a little and listen to him speak.

"And that was our sponsor of the day! Though before I end this show for the night I have quite a special guest featured today so stick around until the end!" Alastor glances at you. "Dearly beloved, for your entertainment it's my pleasure to introduce to you Hell's newest star"-- makes you blush.

--"the talented, lovely demoness, Y/N L/N!" Alastor steps back, pressing a few more buttons and the instrumental of the song you're going to sing begins to play.
No turning back now.
With another inhale of breath and a swallow of saliva, you lick your lips that went dry, and step closer to the microphone, beginning to sing the opening lyrics.

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now