A very important announcement.

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Hey there,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to talk about something that's been bothering me lately. I've been getting some pretty harsh comments about my writing. People are calling it nonsense and trashy, and I have to admit, it's been getting to me.

I'm just a 19-year-old girl, trying to put my thoughts and feelings into words. I write about what I see and experience in my community. Sometimes, it's not pretty, but it's real.

One thing I've noticed is how tough some relationships can be, especially marriage. Not everyone can just walk away when things get rough. It's a tough reality, but it's something I think we need to talk about.

To those who don't like my writing, I get it. It's not for everyone. But can we keep it respectful, please? Negative comments really get me down, and I hate it. I love writing, and there are people out there who enjoy reading my stuff.

But I'll be honest, all this negativity has been hard on me. There have been times when I've wondered if it's even worth it. But then I remember why I started writing in the first place. It's not about fame or fortune. It's about sharing stories that matter.

So, I'm asking you to kindly leave my book and go write yours if you can not be respectful towards my work in the comments.

I am grateful to those of you who have supported me through positive feedback and encouragement.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, Take care and until next time.

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