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That day when vikrant handed aisha her clothes, then he had a shower and told aisha that he was going to be busy and won't come home as he is going to record his new album and left

After some day nirmala di returned and aisha moved back to her own room and like this 3 weeks passed aisha was sad and lonely she went to work and came home this was the only life she had now, she was feeling empty inside, as if there was a hole in her chest, she was still confused by karan's situation as there was no explanation about it, because she believed that there was something to it, because the way he talked to her the way he cared for her there was no way that he would ever cheat on her, but the way Karan behaved at the hotel she knew that she didn't misunderstood the situation and he actually did slept with her.

But her inner thoughts were killing her inside, she was experiencing so much pain and she wanted her answers, but Karan didn't returned to roy mansion since that day and also he didn't even called or texted her

And then one day after aisha returned to the roy mansion she saw vikrant who was sitting in the hallway and as soon as he saw her he said "aisha listen to me Karan is here"
Aisha looked at him with a blank expression and said

"Where is he?"
"Upstairs in your room"
"Okay I'll go and talk to him"

Vikrant grabbed her hand and was about to say something but when aisha looked back at him he saw tears in eyes he pulled her closer and wiped her tears away with his handkerchief and said
"don't go in front of  him with these tears in your eyes, don't show that you are sad and weak, no matter what he says or tries just stick to your own opinion, and no matter what appear strong, aisha I know you can do this"
"Aisha looked at him and pulled her self together and took a deep breath and decided to do what vikrant said, and she smiled at  him and then said
"Thanks vikrant, you are a very nice person"

And then she left

As she entered the room she saw Karan sitting on her bed, just as charming as ever, he was wearing a black shirt, which really suited him,
As soon as he saw her he smiled and said
"hello there, aisha
Aisha tossed her bag and sat on the couch and said
"What are you doing here?"
"Well I was missing you, so i thought that i should visit you, and what's with that angry expression?, he smoothly said
Aisha felt her blood boiling and her anger erupting like lava inside of her but then she remembered vikrant's words and took a deep breath and said
So?? He questioned her
Where is the explanation?
What explanation aisha?
Explanation about you sleeping with that bitch, she raised her voice
"Well she was trying to seduce me since the last 1 year, so i thought that i should give her the fruit to her hardwork"

And aisha lost it
She said what???
He said yes its just that simple, now can we just get down to buisness and let's strip each other down untill we are both naked
Aisha was not able believe what she just heard, she felt all the anger raising and erupting like a volcano and said
"You asshole, did you just sleep with her because she was trying to seduce you??, what does that even mean?"
He smiled and said
Yes aisha I slept with her because she was interested, so now calm down your anger and let's get down to the bed

Aisha was so confused, she thought what the heck is this
She said Karan don't you love me? And what is all this?, like all that was just an act?
Then Karan said
"Aisha, see I like you, I love your body, you are wayy too good in bed and there is all there's to it and come on why are you so stuck on me sleeping with her? Just forget about it, like I  have slept with a lot of women but you are the first one that has ever impressed me so much, and you know what, you are the first woman with who I have slept and stayed the longest, and you are my wife so let's leave that all drama and get in the bed"
And tears stung her eyes and she asked,
"So all that past months was just an act?, and if so why"
"See you are a type of woman who needs affection and love, like when I first saw you i wanted to have sex with you but as I started taking to you i realised that I had to win your trust and treat you nicely, and i would've done anything to get in bed with you so I put that act of a loving and caring husband

Aisha lost her calm and threw her bag on his face and yelled at the top of her voice "leavee right now Karan"
Karan was stunned by this, and said aisha calm down yaar and stop yelling.

Aisha shot down an angry glare at him and said, if you don't leave this instant i promise that there won't be a tomorrow for you, now leave you asshole.
Karan never saw this side of aisha, her voice and her death glare sent shivers down his spine, and he immediately got up and left, but before going he said I'll be back for you, aishuu.

As soon as he left aisha collapsed on her feet and started crying hysterically, thinking about how all of those memories were nothing but an act to get her into bed.

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