001 | crazies & cannibals

345 11 9

cillian murphy as hannibal lecter

BEING A CRIMINAL PSYCHIATRIST & PSYCHOLOGIST CAN BE QUITE EXCITING. certainly, there were benefits that (F/N) received from it. firstly, she didn't have to wear those disgusting (albeit comfortable) doctor scrubs, which others in a medical profession wore. secondly, she could wear cute clothes to work! thirdly, her boss being rather pleasing to look at helped exceptionally!

so far, 26-year old (F/N) Kennedy was rather not hating her new job. granted, she hadn't met her patients from Willow Kopta Mental Asylum yet, but that was another matter.

"you seem to be all settled in, Ms Kennedy," her boss, Patrick Bateman stated, though in a questioning manner, eyes never leaving her body. she looked so stunning in black, after all. Mr Bateman wondered how she'd fare in red.

he studied her simple yet, utterly fitting look for today. a simple white button up, an overcoat thrown over her shoulders-to cope with the cold winter, of course-and yet, contradicting the previous piece of clothing, a skirt that fell right above her knees. he opted to tighten his grip on the mahogany table in front of him rather than to resort to...other measures.

(F/N) smiles lazily, dark eyes looking up from her paperwork to the attractive specimen in front of her. surprisingly, the man found the dark patches rather inviting, and the pools of her eyes seemed to look rather adoring to him.

"well," she leaned onto her palms, meeting gaze, "I enjoy the quiet here."

snow fell heavily outside the window of her office. "and please, call me Dr," she continued, eyelashes fluttering. Mr Bateman, as he liked to go, cleared his throat, drawing her attention to the papers in his hand.

"my first patient?" she questioned aloud. Mr Bateman simply nodded, feeling slightly guilty. I wonder why the Director wanted her to cover his case...it's much too taxing, especially for such a pretty newcomer like her.

Mr Bateman promptly leaves the file on her table, and (F/N) reads the big red name in bolded ominous looking letters. 'HANNIBAL LECTER'.

THE ROOM IS DIMLY LIT, as per the request of (F/N) Kennedy. all the previous psychiatrists met him in rooms that were especially bright, for some reason (that being they were scared of being alone in a dark room with a cannibal), prompting her to try a different approach. the (surprisingly handsome) man was taken out of a straight jacket and pushed by the guards into his seat. (F/N) sat outside, still flipping through her notes, and at the same time, allowing her patient to get accustomed to the new environment. she watches him through the two way mirror, and once she is ready, leaves the secret room, ready to meet him for the first time. coincidentally, she missed the way his head turned towards her exact direction just when she turned away.

remember, (F/N), he was a psychiatrist too. he'll know all the tricks in your book, except well, maybe.. shaking her head from self-doubt, she takes a deep breath in, and opens the door.

as she settles down in her chair, taking out her papers and pens, she recalls various details about the man-how he acted polite, his intelligence, how he ate those he deemed "rude", and how he intimidated all his other psychiatrists.

"good evening, Mr. Lecter. I would shake your hand, but given your current predicament (she eyed the shackles that tied him to the table)..."

first there was silence. then, there was deep, polite laughter. she had just made a serial killer laugh. "perhaps we will shake hands, someday, Dr..." he trailed off, waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Dr. Kennedy, at your service, Mr Lecter."

Hannibal's eyes never failed to follow her movements, something that, as a fellow psychiatrist, (F/N) noticed. she wasn't sure if he knew that she knew, but if he did, he probably didn't give a damn.

"now, Mr Lecter, it says here that you...spooked your previous psychiatrists. is that right?"

Hannibal leaned forward, about to respond. (F/N) waited in anticipation, personally curious to know his answer. he hummed, looking up ever so often, mimicking the expression of someone in thought. "remind me, sweetheart, how did I spook them?" (F/N)'s smile doesn't leave her face. so he wanted to be playful. thirty something year old serial killer being playful. playful. she could do that.

her cheek leans into the palm of her hand. "stare at them as if you wanted to devour them, grinning maliciously, hmm...threatening to eat them? the list goes on, Mr. Lecter."

Hannibal's grin, if anything, grew wider. "let's just say...they lacked a particular charm."

HANNIBAL LECTER WAS A FLIRT. at least to (F/N) Kennedy. as he was being escorted out of the room, his eyes were glued on the woman, as her skirt swooshed back and forth, even throwing a wink at her. prior to that, (F/N) had asked him simple things-how his day went, what he ate, etcetera. she didn't want to overwhelm him so fast. well, she hummed, passing by rooms of other therapists struggling to converse with their patients, at least he's responsive.

(F/N) hummed to a tune as she kept up her papers and files, not particularly eager to go home, when she receives a call from an unknown number. her fingers hover over the phone, debating on whether or not to pick it up.


"(F/N)? (F/N) Kennedy?" she let out a sigh of relief, realising it was just Leon. her fingers are stretched comfortably around her phone, and her left hand is putting in some other things into her dark briefcase.

"yes, Leon?"

hearing the next few words coming from his mouth, she frowned, now hastily packing up her stuff even faster.

"on it. I'm on my way there now."

she briskwalked through the corridors, not really wanting to sweat, quickly getting into her into her black convertible mustang, turning on the engine and rushing off to Heelshire Hospital.

her expression was stoic as she registered the information she had just been told in her mind-

Leon Kennedy had gotten shot.

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