-Chapter Five-

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Always. That was the word repeating over and over in my head, not wanting to leave. Do I want to believe Aaron? Yes. I do. But will he always be able to protect me? Probably not. Even so, I know he'll try his best to protect me. That's one thing for certain. 

It's Sunday, a couple weeks after the game of "Capture the Flag". It seems too loud to be a Sunday afternoon, though. There's a commotion going on in the hall, but I'm too afraid to open my door. I don't want it to be a trick, and Rylan to take me again. I'm just always so scared nowadays. Ever since Rylan took me the first time, I've been scared. Afraid. Nervous. Surprisingly, Rylan hasn't tried anything for a couple weeks. 

I also haven't even eaten anything for a few days. I did try to eat a cup of fruit, but I couldn't keep it in my stomach and I puked it out into the toilet. I don't know what's going on. I've been feeling very tired, as well. I've thrown up a couple times this morning. 

Aaron told me he has extra classes he takes on Sundays that are one-on-one with the professors so he can earn credits. That's why he hasn't been here at all today since I've been awake. I woke up at 10:00 this morning and found a note on his side of the bed, explaining where he was. He'll only be gone until 5:00, and right now, it's 4:00 in the afternoon. 

I sit up in bed, and immediately feel like throwing up. I climb out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I make it to the toilet, but just barely. I puke into the bowl of the toilet.
Feeling like I'm done, I'm about to get up, but then I start vomiting again. It hurts my stomach; I've puked so much today. A tear slides down my cheek.

Once I'm finally done puking, I flush the toilet and grip the edge of the bathroom counter, pulling myself up to stand on shaky legs. I grab some paper towels, wipe my mouth, and proceed to throw them into the trash. 

I look at my reflection in the mirror. A pale face looks back at me, dark circles under my eyes. I don't recognize her. I go and sit down on my bed, feeling a headache coming on. I know Aaron is in class, but I need him to at least come check on me. I don't feel good at all, and I don't want something bad to accidentally happen. 

I grab my phone and pull up Aaron's contact. I start typing.
Me: Baby I don't feel good..I've been throwing up and my head hurts🥺😭🤮
❤️Aaron❤️: I'll be there as quick as I can princess🥺😘😭

I set my phone on my nightstand and lie down on my bed. I grab my water bottle; my throat dry. The second I swallow some of the water, I feel bile rise in the back of my throat. I quickly sprint to the bathroom, and begin to puke into the toilet. Again. 

All of a sudden, I feel my hair being pulled into a ponytail behind my head as I'm throwing up. I know it's Aaron. 

I finish puking, flush the toilet, and try to stand up. I'm so weak, that my body starts to collapse as I'm trying to stand. Aaron catches me before I hit the ground. He hasn't said anything yet. He just picks me up, bridal style, and carries me to the bed. 

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier, baby. How long have you been feeling sick?" he asks, his voice full of concern. 

"I-I started throwing up this morning, but I haven't been able to eat anything the past few days. I'm not hungry, and when I try to eat, I can't keep it down. I just throw up."

"Hm. I see. Stay right here for me, okay princess? I'll be right back."

I nod as he leaves the room. He's back not even 5 minutes later with something in his hand. 

"What's that?" I ask. 

"A pregnancy test... you should probably take it," he says quietly. 

"W-Wait- you think I'm pregnant...?" I murmur. 

"There's a chance. But you won't know until you take the test," he replies, handing it to me. 

I give a small whimper as I try to stand up to go to the bathroom. I'm still too weak. 

"Let me help you, princess," he says. With one swift move, he picks me up and carries me back to the bathroom. He sets me down on the toilet. 

"I'll leave you to it. I'll be right outside, okay? Just call for me when you're done."

I nod as he leaves and shuts the door behind him. I take a deep breath, and take the test.


I'm sitting on the toilet, still waiting for the results to pop up on the tiny device. It's been a few minutes, and they haven't shown up yet.

"Aaron? Can you take me to my bed?" I ask, trying to speak louder than normal, so he can hear me. 

The door opens and Aaron appears. "Of course. Did you find out the test results yet?" he asks as he picks me up. 

"Not yet."

He nods, setting me on the bed and climbing into bed next to me. He pulls the silky-soft blanket over us. He wraps his arms around my waist and I feel his warm breath against the back of my neck. 

I see a plus sign appear on the test. A plus sign. Shit. I'm pregnant. 

I immediately start crying, sobs racking my body as I curl myself into a ball and lay there. 

"Del, what's wrong?" he asks softly, rubbing my back, and using the new nickname he gave me.

"I-I.." I start to stumble over my words, and instead, just hand him the test. 

He's silent for a second, but then begins to speak. "It's okay, baby. I'm here for you. I'm not going to leave you, if that's what you're thinking. We're in this together."

His kind words make me sob more. I turn and bury my face into his chest. He holds me close to him and strokes my hair. 

"We should go to the nurse and see how far along you are," he suggests, still trying to comfort me.

I nod, and he gets out of bed. He picks me up and carries me out the door and all the way to the nurse's office. 

"What can I do for you?" Nurse Nadia asks. 

"You tell her," I whisper in Aaron's ear.

He nods, then starts to speak. "Delaney got a positive pregnancy test. I was wondering if you could help us figure out how far along she is?"

"Oh, of course. I also have to inform Principal RoseGarden about any pregnancies. Once she knows, I'm sure she'll want to talk to you both. As for right now, let's give you an ultrasound, Delaney."


About 10 to 15 minutes later, the ultrasound is done. I'm about 7 weeks pregnant. God, why did this happen so soon..? I mean, when I found out this was a sex school, I kinda figured something like this might happen if I wasn't careful, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.
The only question is... is the baby Aaron's? Or Rylan's...?


Word Count: 1260
A/N: Sorry everyone, I've been super busy with school and stuff the past few weeks and it's been super hectic and stressful, I'll keep updating and I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting. I can tell you guys like this book and I'm so sorry for the slow updates.

Give me your thoughts on this chapter! Did you expect this? What will happen in the next chapter do you think? Whose baby is it?

That's all for now my lovelies, talk to you in the next chapter!✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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