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⭒─ one ─⭒


Alaeyna hissed as the needle pricked her finger once again and rolled her eyes as the Septa began to scold her. It seemed to be a repetitive cycle and the eight-year-old wanted nothing more than to curse at the old woman but no matter how much Alaeyna hated her Septa, she was not going to be disrespectful. Her mother had taught her better than that. Although she still imagined feeding the elderly woman to her dragon-

A knock sounded on the door and a familiar face peeked in, causing Alaeyna to jump up from her seat. She bounced on her two feet and the man chuckled, "Apologies for the interruption, Princess, but your mother has requested your presence."

Alaeyna paid no attention to the elderly woman who simply shook her head before the girl rushed out of the room, "has the babe been born, Ser Harwin? Is it a boy? A girl? Oh, I hope it's a girl! Is my mother alright?" She asked, skipping alongside the knight who simply chuckled at the girl's questions, "Patience, princess. As far as I know, you're mother is still in labour but perhaps that has changed." He smiled as they reached Rhaenyra's chambers.

The small sound of crying greeted Alaeyna's ears and a smile graced her lips as she rushed inside, "Mother!" She exclaimed with a crazy grin, rushing towards her mother who held a small bundle in her arms.

A hint of relief passed over Rhaenyra's face as she saw her one and only daughter walk up to her, "oh, my little dragon," she sighed, beckoning her forward, "Come here, meet your brother." She smiled.

Alaeyna frowned, "another brother?" She sounded disappointed, "I was positive the gods would bless me with a sister this time. As if two brothers weren't enough." She mumbled and Rhaenyra looked at her lovingly, moving her hair away from her face. She picked up a lock of her hair. A silver one, one of the only few signs that Alaeyna was indeed her daughter.

While Alaeyna's brothers had completely taken after their father, Alaeyna held some of the features that blessed every Targaryen. Violet eyes, and although her hair too was black, the few locks of silver amid black made Rhaenyra think that her daughter was a perfect mix of herself and Harwin.

She looked down at the two of her children and smiled as Alaeyna cooed at her brother. Rhaenyra watched how lovingly the girl looked at her newborn brother and she knew, that no matter how much Alaeyna insisted that she wanted a sister, she would love and protect her sibling with her life.

The happy moment was cut short as one of Rhaenyra's handmaidens stepped inside, "Princess," she called, hesitating slightly, "the queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately."

All signs of happiness and tranquillity seemed to vanish from Rhaenyra's face, "why?" She asked and the handmaiden gave her a knowing look.

Rhaenyra looked down at her son as she started to get up, letting out a pained groan, "Mother!" Alaeyna called, frowning in concern, "I will take him myself." She told them as Alaeyna grasped at her mother's bloodied robes.

"You should remain abed, princess." The septa protested, "Yes, I should." She snapped before turning back to her handmaiden, "Help me dress." She ordered.

She handed the baby off to another one of her handmaidens as she began to get dressed. The baby immediately started crying as it was taken from his mother's warmth and Alaeyna looked in concern at her brother and her mother, conflicted between wanting to comfort her new brother and helping her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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