Chapter 1: Finding His Way

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After the nine days passed that Tuny, Klaus, Hris and Luca and the puppy Sudog in a five-star hotel that they also have in the hotel where they were staying had a hotel for puppies for owners who were afraid or want to keep a puppy in motel to break something or leave a hair everywhere.

All four were staying in the hotel room and were looking for a place to rent or buy a house to stay and because they didn't know the area of Las Vegas or the city itself and they had to find a school for Hris, Tuny and Klaus to study and to find other ideas or things that he can learn more about ZARA, GIRL X AND AREA 51 in general, and for Luca to find the same job and for the university to study to have an even more place and a job to gain work experience and for money, meanwhile the four are looking for a place to live and a place to study at school and university, but Luca calls twenty times to know if Sudog is okay.

 Hris: Luca, please, instead of stressing us or the dog when we were before, now you stress the receptionist with your phone calls for the dog. He said sarcastically and a bit irritated that Luca didn't stay to help them search with them.

Luca felt his cheeks flush with shame at Hris' reproach. He realized that in his effort to protect his puppy, he had forgotten the contribution he should have made to their joint quest.

"Sorry, Hris. You're right," Luca expresses his regret. "I didn't mean to confuse you. I promise I'll focus more on finding a place for all of us."

Tuny and Klaus exchanged worried glances but said nothing, understanding that Luca was concerned for their puppy's well-being.

After Luca's apology, the atmosphere in the hotel room became less tense, and the four returned to their quests. They were looking for houses to rent or buy, schools and universities suitable for each of them, as well as information about the mysteries of the city of Las Vegas and the surrounding area.

They all understood that their journey in this new settlement was going to be full of challenges and surprises. But despite the difficulties, they were determined to find a stable place and build a future in this vibrant city full of opportunities.

As the sun set over Las Vegas, the four made a plan for the next day and fell asleep hoping to find their way through the city's huge maze.

When they arrived at that house, they found a small but welcoming house with a warm and peaceful air. The owner, a kind old lady, opened the door for them with an understanding smile.

"You're looking for a home, aren't you?" she asked gently.

The four confirmed with a smile and explained their situation. Surprisingly, the old lady was extremely responsive and generous.

"I am single and have no children to inherit my house," she told them. "It would please me to know that my home will be taken over by people who will love and appreciate it as much as I do."

After a short discussion, they reached an agreement, and the four became the happy owners of that wonderful house. It was a perfect solution for them and a blessing for the old lady, who could now leave her inheritance in good hands.

Finally, with everyone happy and excited about this new beginning, the four began their adventure in Las Vegas, knowing that they had found a true home in the middle of this crowded city full of surprises.

Once they got the house keys and settled into their new home, Sudog adapted to his new home surprisingly quickly. When he was released in the yard for the first time, he began to run happily and explore every corner of the garden. With ears flapping and tail flapping in the wind, he seemed extremely happy and excited about the freedom of the open space.

Tuny, Klaus, Hris and Luca watched excitedly as Sudog played in the yard, enjoying the beautiful weather and the peaceful atmosphere of their new neighborhood.

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