out of the four sorcerers...

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*BRRRRUUM-CHRRKT-CHRRK* the sound of a chainsaw roaring was heard over the heavy rain as kichi continued to swipe at sukunai, however she looked utterly unbothered as she simply stepped back and dodged each swipe with minimum movements before retaliating with a heavy rising kick, sending kichi into the air

'Fuck! I cant keep up with her movements! And im loosing too much blood! What do i d-' kichi's thoughts were cut off by sukunai appearing and punching him in the chest, shattering his ribcage as he was blasted through the air, crashing through several buildings before being stopped by an apartment balcony, falling and hitting the ground with a meaty *plat* it wasnt soon after that sukunai appeared, holding a finger

"You know... i honestly thought id eat one of these to further solidify my hold on the brat before killing you, but..." sukunai laughed as she threw the finger into her mouth and easily swallowing the cursed object down "you're weak!" Sukunai laughed as she kicked kichi in the stomach, causing him to cough more blood.

*chrkt- chkt-. chkt-.. chk...*

Kichis chainsaws retracted into little more then stumps, however he tightly grabbed her ankle, growling to show he still had fight inside him

"Huh? You arent dead yet? Haha! I must be rusty!" Sukunai laughed as she squated down, roughly gripping a clump of kichi's hair, forcibly lifting him to meet her gaze

"Any last words, punk?" Sukunai mocked, looking him right in the eyes

kichi grinned "i... w-wish i at least... got a touch a girls boobs..." kichi admitted, before swiftly punching sukunai in the face, his punch caught her off gaurd as she let him go and held her cheek, before grinning wide and laughing like a maniac

"Hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" sukunai laughed and laughed as she looked over to kichi, who was smirking at her, half-dead

"Looks like gojo isnt the only one on my list anymore! I can finally see it! Hehehe, you'll be able to provide proper entertainment- oh?" Sukunai felt her control over yuji slipping as she suddenly looked down and realized, she had accidentally healed his heart!

"Well well would you look at that... heh, what a punk..." sukunai commented, impressed before being fully suppressed by yuji, who stood still, looking at kichi's corpses shocked, before picking him up and bringing him with him to where he believed ijichi, fushiguro, and Kugisaki would be, still in mental shock




Meanwhile with the rest...

"LETS GO FUSHIGURO! KICHI COULD BE IN TROUBLE!" Nobara yelled, trying to shove past Ijichi and megumi, who were both trying to keep her from re-entering the detention center

"calm down kugisaki! The domain is gone! They're probably on their way back now!" Fushiguro growled as he shoved nobara, Ijichi looked at the two arguing, worried, and nobara looked like she was about to shove megumi back, however the sound of wet footsteps gained their attention, the two jujutsu sorcerers turned to the source to see... yuji, bare-chested and, besides a few bruises, he was fine, the same couldnt be said for the man in his arms however, pale, covered in blood, his own blood, and his chest was significantly sunken in, his short black hair matted down with blood

"Wha- y-yuji?! What happened?!" Nobara yelled as she ran over to him, followed by megumi and ijichi,the latter looked like he was about to throw up

"I... its my fault..." yuji responded witth a despondent look "i couldnt control sukunai... and she killed him..."

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