Earrings and Secrets

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I watch Fern being pampered by everyone. Cliff, her brother, is helping her attach a tail band woven out of silk and strengthened by resin and flowers. I have a tail band of my own, made of purely vines so that it'll probably rot away in a few days. 

What I'm really staring at are her glamorous earrings. Made of the finest ebony and encrusted with glittering diamond and quartz shards. I tell myself; don't be jealous, it's Fern's Ceremony just as well as it's yours. She has a right to dress up.

Wren, my mother, takes my beak and turns it to face her, "Dear, I'm sorry but this is all I could make with our ingredients. Please understand."

She holds out a pair of wooden earrings. 

I stare at them for two seconds more than needed to, "I thought you saved up on Crystal Fruit in the winter. You could've at least decorated the earrings with those."

Wren huffs, "The Crystal Fruit were traded for a guarantee that we would always receive food during the Feastings. How do you think I got us the seats closest to Sea Feather, Fern and Cliff?

When she sees my downcast face, she explains, "Insurance is extremely important, Fierce. How do you think I made sure you got Sparrow as your Hunter Hatchling Carer?"

I feel my eyes widen, "You 'made sure'?"

Wren shakes her head, "It took us a month's worth of cranberries and grapes."

I open my beak to complain but decide against it. Instead, I take the earrings and put them on. Wren smiles proudly, "You look absolutely beautiful, Fierce, even without fancy garments."

Rolling my eyes, I wait for Fern to finish dressing up. To my astonishment, she puts on a silk arm band and sticks crystals onto the spine of her wings with resin. 

I chortle, I'll bet that Wren could trade all those for a proper tree. 

It'd always been something to laugh at that we were the only Lupi living in a cave on the ground while everyone else snored away on trees.

I'm not that excited about my Ceremony, I'm mostly looking forward to The Moving after it. It would be the first move in my life and I am determined to claim a good tree when we get to our new forest. 

Cliff finishes attaching Fern's tail band and Fern rushes to me, "How do I look?"

Before I get a chance to answer, Fern gasps, "Oh, Fierce! Tell me that you're not going, looking like that!"

I shift my claws awkwardly, "Er, well - "

Fern interrupts, "Cliff! Get Fierce a proper set of earrings, and try to find another tail band while you're at it."

Cliff spreads his wings and hurries off. 

I'm embarrassed, "Fern! I'm fine with how I am."

Fern widens her eyes, "How humble you are, Fierce!" 

She grins, "But you need not to be so humble all the time, today is a day to celebrate!"

She claps her talons excitedly, "Today is the day when our true roles shall be announced! I can't have you looking like that."

Cliff comes back, holding a silk tail band and a pair of crystal-studded earrings. I blush even more when Fern orders Cliff to help attach the tail band. 

Cliff stares at my wooden earrings and vine tail band, "Fierce's got some already, doesn't she?"

Fern snaps, "Take those off and attach the new ones."

Cliff spreads his wings and he suddenly looks ginormous, "Fern, just because you're the 'Chosen One', it doesn't mean that you can boss me around." 

He narrows his eyes, "Really, I'm older than you, meaning that I would be next in line for Leader. And then, when I'm gone, you."

There is a cold silence and a static tension between that spikes the air.

I pipe up, "Cliff, I thought that because Fern was Chosen, she would be the next Leader."

Cliff folds his wings, "Well, Fierce. The Chosen One isn't - "

He breaks off, glancing guiltily at both of us. Then he changes the subject, "How about I put your new tail band on?"

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