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Author's Note: Hey, I'm Eggs! The story you're about to read is Unscathed, and has been my dream project for around nearly three years now. I'm not a writer or anything, It's actually my first story that hasn't been a joke or for school. Don't expect a masterfully written story (it might even be a bit cringe), but just remember that all of this is pure passion, so I hope you, the reader, enjoys the before-story prologue!

Oh, and also, if you're looking to contact me outside of Wattpad, here are my socials:

Twitter: EggsToast_

Instagram: _eggstoast_

Discord: eggstoast


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3:00 AM, Tuesday. A single apartment's window softly illuminated in the complex. Unwashed clothes strewn on the floor, several cans of energy drinks and food packaging thrown around on both the desk and floor, some unfinished. The musky smell of dust and BO was nauseatingly present, which made the already horrid living space even worse. The dusty triple monitor setup and shoddily hung-up LEDs casted a bright red light, radiating the room into a scarlet hue. The messy pigsty is not a pleasant sight, and so isn't the girl who lived in it.

Sitting on the ripped leather gaming chair is Sarah, a 22-year-old jobless drop-out. Her long, brown greasy hair was once dyed blonde, but has since grown out, leaving only the end a shade of faded light gold. Sarah isn't at all fashionable, only wearing stained black t-shirts and worn jeans, which didn't compliment her massive dark eyebags. She is practically a zombie, and only ventured outside when extremely necessary. When groceries were needed, she would just order online, then again just buying snacks and cans of various drinks instead of healthy, sustaining meals.

"These numbskulls!" Sarah growls, banging her fist down onto her desk as she yet again loses, blaming her teammates on her fault. In turn, the beating causes her PC to bluescreen, to her utter dismay. "I hate this game so much... " She groans, scratching her unkept hair in frustration.

Exhausted, Sarah slumps over her keyboard, and checks the clock for the time. After seeing how late it is, she sighs and stumbles over to her mattress, before flopping face first into it.

"Ugh..." After her many moans and groans, Sarah lies down on her back, starting to remember her past years. I used to be such an extrovert, huh? What happened to that?! Now all I can do is just stay in this stupid apartment, rotting my life away... It's not my fault, is it...? No, of course not! It's everyone else's fault!

Extending her hand to the nightstand next to her bed, Sarah scrambled to grab her phone. Like a flashbang, the screen enlightens, burning up her retinas. After adjusting to the light, she does her favourite activity to do before going to bed! Waiting for the caffeine to die off by using her phone. Sarah checks her various social media accounts, seeing if she has any new messages or notifications. She never does, of course, but she still harbours a tiny spark of hope that there may a single person interested in her.

Unscathed Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now