Chapter 8

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As she looked at the duke's face, sending her a stiff gaze with his arms trapping her, her throat seemed to burn up.

Everything happened so quickly that her thoughts seemed to have broken down.

'What is my true identity? What does it mean?'

At the duke's incomprehensible words, Lina stammered and continued.

"I'm Lina. Your maid, Duke..."



But even though Lina had introduced herself, the duke did not seem willing to let her go and narrowed the distance even further.

"Duke? This, please..."

She spoke to the duke, who was on top of her. His disheveled appearance, having just woken up, looked precarious.

Lina began to assess the situation, pushing her confused feelings aside.

A man and woman were together in a closed space, in bed, very close.

'Something, dangerous.'

Unbidden, memories of that night started to pop into her head.

The sensation of being ensnared by those yellow eyes crept up from her toes.

'Plus, I'm lying in the duke's bed, and this man is on top of me...'

Lina squeezed her eyes shut against the impure thoughts crossing her mind, shaking her head.

'What am I thinking! No! Stop thinking! Stop!'


As the duke opened his mouth to speak, the lips that had swallowed her up that night started to overlap in her vision.

"That, stop- !!"

The duke's voice sounded, and the words that had been circling in Lina's head spilled out of her mouth. Then, as if having a fit, she lifted her legs.

Thump- !

Everyone, at one time or another, has kicked the blankets when recalling a shameful or embarrassing memory.

Lina was no different. But unfortunately, her foot hit the duke's leg.

As Lina's struggling foot hit the duke's shin, a low moan was heard.


"He, hek. Duke!! Are you alr...!"

Suddenly attacked, the duke fell off Lina. Startled, Lina quickly scrambled to her feet.

Smack- !

This time, the duke's head collided with Lina's head, unable to dodge in time.

"Ouch! ...Heck. Du, Duke?! Are you okay?"

The duke, who had been hit on the shin and head by Lina, did not say anything, just holding his forehead still.

A cold silence lingered in the bedroom for a few minutes.

Finally, the duke moved away from Lina, holding his forehead. Seizing the opportunity, Lina quickly got out of bed.

But her face, having inadvertently attacked the duke, had turned pale.

"Tha, that...! You didn't move, Duke, so, therefore..."

'I must be mad...! How dare I touch the duke's body.'

The duke's face was hidden by his hand, but it was undoubtedly stiff.

While pondering whether to wait for him to speak, Lina began to step back towards the door.

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