Chapter 2

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              The whirring of a fan had welcomed her back to the waking world. That happened a few minutes ago. The humiliation glued her bottom to the chair Matt had set her down on.

           This embarrassment was the worst she had endured in a long time. Annika felt like that happy little girl again at the public swimming pool in her cute yellow bathing suit who had slipped and fallen off the diving board. At that point in her life, she believed it was the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to her, but she was wrong.

            Matt cleared his throat as he entered the room with a paper cup of water in his hand. The look of sympathy on his face made Annika feel more pathetic. She quickly looked away, trying to endure the festering humiliation that felt like a damp towel on her fiery ego. She was supposed to be a strong woman built to serve and protect. She didn't want to suddenly become somebody who people pitied.

"I don't drink water from the break room," she hissed at him.

He stopped and looked at her with the caution of a man approaching a wounded wolf.

"Ah, yes. I forgot about that." He laughed nervously. "I'll have someone grab you a bottled water from the café."

"I'm okay. You don't need to make such a fuss over me."

He breathed heavily through his nostrils, a sign he was growing impatient. He sat the cup on the desk. "Annika, I told you to take some time off and give yourself time to heal. Eric is gone, and you need time to recover from this loss. You might hate me for assigning you an office job but I did it for you. You need to rest. Why don't you take that bereavement leave now? Go on a vacation with Alice or something. Give yourself some love because you're a mess."

The thought made her panic. She loved her job and did not want anyone to think she could no longer do it competently. She needed to get herself together before her life crumbled around her. The last thing Eric would want was to watch her fall apart because of him.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You just fainted." He held his arms out in dramatic flare. "I've never seen you like this. I know for a fact you don't get enough sleep, and Alice said your drinking is getting worse."

"Wait..." She rolled her eyes, becoming defensive. " and Alice talk about me?"

"That's not the point here! We're worried about you. You're too stubborn to listen and always want to do things your way. Take some time away, Annika. I'm not telling you this as a boss but as a friend who loves and cares about you. Don't let losing him destroy you. Either you take the leave, or I suspend you."

"For what?" She crinkled her forehead.

"For drinking on the job."

The expression on his face gave rise to a guilty feeling. Annika dropped her gaze to the terrazzo floor. She had always been determined to prove she could handle anything life threw her way, but Annika knew Matt was right. She had to surrender. If she continued this way, she might send herself mad. She spent every waking moment daydreaming about Eric, and at night, she drank to fall asleep. At least that way, she didn't have to think about him and deal with the panic and pain that struck her when she remembered he was gone.

"Okay. Fine. I'll take a leave. Don't know what I'm gonna do, but I guess you're right."

Matt stared at her for a while. He was either trying to conceal his relief or wait for her to change her mind. A smile slowly grew on his face, and she returned it.

           With a deep breath, Annika conceded to the broken woman inside her. She had won the battle for now.

            Knuckles rapped on the wooden door from outside. With two strides of his gangly legs, Matt reached it. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Rio standing on the other side wearing a pair of bedazzled sunglasses and looking perfect in them.

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