Chapter 6

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The smell of food struck her as she opened the door. She held it open for Alice and Rio to stumble inside, giggling about a foolish statement Rio had made. The restaurant wasn't too busy, just a few tables were occupied. They walked up to the counter.

The area wasn't known for being excessively dangerous, but that didn't mean she could drop her guard. She needed to keep her eyes on Rio, who was presently digging through the condiments with unrestrained curiosity.

She was still unable to wrap her head around his talent. She knew Rio was famous for a reason but never imagined he was that gifted. She just assumed everyone made a big deal about him because he looked like a celestial being.

            She walked to the condiments station and watched him pick up a straw and push it into the napkin box for some reason. It was like watching an alien discovering the facets of the human race's fast food restaurant. She swatted his hand as he reached for some ketchup packets, grabbed him by the wrist, and pulled him back to the counter.

"Stray from my side again, and I'll break your legs."

He looked at her for reassurance that she was joking. Realizing that Annika wasn't kidding, he stood behind her and put his head on her shoulder like a sad puppy. Annika was taking a chance to bring him to this place, and she had to play it safe

She smiled. "You used to give your grandma trouble too?"

"I like to play with the condiments." 

The way he was hanging onto her was a bit too clingy for comfort. She wanted to brush him off her but didn't have the strength. She liked him, and she liked his company. She couldn't put her finger on it and it annoyed her. Maybe his exuberance was the thing that had her orbiting him. She was dead inside, and he had the magic to bring her back to life.

"What do you think she's getting?" he asked as he pointed at Alice, typing away on her phone.

Annika rolled her eyes, disappointed at her sister's coldness.

She turned her face and smiled sweetly at him. "Why don't you go find out? Make sure she doesn't get a pineapple burger. And stay where I can see you if you want to keep those sexy legs in one piece."

He nodded and hurried over to Alice. She looked up and beamed as she saw him. Annika folded her arms over her chest and observed them. They were so cute together that she wanted to scream with excitement. Suddenly, she was wishing Eric was there with her.

            The front door opened. Annika turned to look. She breathed in heavily and exhaled as she straightened up.

The three characters walking through the doors made her immediately uncomfortable. It wasn't the tattoos or the sagging pairs of jeans that caught her attention, but rather the aura they gave off. She knew without any tangible evidence that these men were troublemakers.

            They walked to the counter. Annika observed them with intense eyes, ready for a confrontation. The tallest one, wearing a black skull cap, looked at Rio with a scowl. It was the sort of glance that should be heeded as a warning. Rio surprisingly showed no signs of fear. He looked up at the man with such indifference Annika almost laughed.

            Alice observed the men with moxie. She adjusted her glasses and prepared herself for a quarrel.

"Hey, you can't cut in line. We were first!" Alice shouted at them.

Annika pushed off in their direction, sensing danger. Alice just had a way of placing herself in trouble. She couldn't begin to count the many times she saved Alice from ass whoppings in school.

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