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"Dani! Dani! Dani!"

Danmi stopped abruptly almost bumping into her manager who garbbed her arms, smiling suspiciously wide as she turned around taking her along with her and out the building towards the garden area.

"Steph what are you doing? I need to go back inside, I need to finish the new song"Danmi muttered balancing the coffee cup in her hand. "You just finished a world tour no need for any more songs Dani baby"

Danmi chuckled and shook her head,"You're the one who always forced me to write things down if im inspired or if I'm in the zone"

"What are talking about"steph chuckled nervously which was easy for Danmi to pick on. "Ok what is this about, you're behaving weird"She raised an eyebrow taking a slow sip of her much needed coffee.

"Me? what did I do?"

Danmi looked at her tilting her head as if to say really? Before danmi or steph could say anything they heard a voice making steph groan angrily muttering curses under her breath. Now Danmi knew why her manager and friend was behaving this way.

"Dani- I mean d
Danmi can we maybe talk for a moment?"

Danmi turned looking at the dashing man standing in front of her blocking the strong sunrays. "Speak then"she mumbled gulping down her coffee looking elsewhere. "In private"jiho spoke looking at steph who scoffed in reply."She's   not going anywhere with you alone-"

"Lead the way"Danmi got up wiping her sweatpants making steph shocked,"But dan-"

"Its ok steph I'll handle this once and for all"

Stephanie looked at the ex couple watching them go towards the gazeebo which was at the back of their company building. Stephanie had forgotren that jiho also worked under the same company as danmi, since danmi was not present in the building for months now she forgot about jiho completely.

"What"danmi spat out leaning against the wooden railing of the gazeebo. "I just- i- i dont know-"

"Listen Jiho i don't have the time nor energy to do this with you, tell me whatever you want to say and let me leave and live my life in peace"

Jiho was stunned for a minute, he had never known danmi to be rude or harsh but he should've expected this type of behaviour after what happened. "Listen danmi, whatever happpened was a mistke, please give me one chance, you know I love you and I know you love me too. There was nothing serious with that woman I swear"

Danmi listened jiho ramble away his stupid explanation for fifteen more minutes, he stopped finally gazing at her in hope. Danmi stood up straight clearing her throat, her fingers going through her hair,"Is that all? I can leave now right?"

Jiho sputtered still in shock as he watched danmi strut away inside the building with stephanie who smirked at the man. 


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Scandal Unfolds: K-Pop Idol Jiho Song Caught Cheating on Danmi Kang, Contrary to Claims of Mutual Breakup

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Scandal Unfolds: K-Pop Idol Jiho Song Caught Cheating on Danmi Kang, Contrary to Claims of Mutual Breakup

In a shocking turn of events, the K-pop world is reeling from scandalous revelations surrounding Jiho Song, who has been caught in a compromising situation with another woman, casting doubt on his claims of a mutual breakup with fellow idol Danmi Kang. Recent photographs have surfaced, depicting Jiho in intimate moments with the unidentified woman, contradicting his previous assertions and igniting a firestorm of controversy within the industry.

The images, captured by paparazzi, paint a damning picture of Jiho's infidelity, as he is seen cozying up to the woman in question, their body language betraying the trust and commitment he had professed to Kang during their relationship. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the K-pop community, with fans and industry insiders alike expressing disbelief and disappointment at Jiho's actions.

The scandal has also cast doubt on the circumstances surrounding Jiho and Danmi's breakup, which had been portrayed as amicable and mutually agreed upon. Jiho had previously stated in his instagram story that he and Kang had parted ways on good terms, citing conflicting schedules and personal differences as the reasons behind their split.

However, the emergence of these incriminating photographs suggests a far more sinister truth behind their breakup.Amidst the turmoil, rumors have begun to circulate that Danmi Kang may have already moved on from the heartbreak, with speculation swirling around her possible involvement with Ferrari Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc.

While neither party has confirmed nor denied the rumors, the timing of the scandalous revelations surrounding Jiho's infidelity has only fueled further speculation about Danmi's personal life.As fans grapple with the shocking news, many are left questioning the sincerity of Jiho's earlier statements and the authenticity of his public persona. The revelation of his infidelity has not only tarnished his reputation but has also raised concerns about the prevalence of dishonesty and betrayal within the K-pop industry.

Meanwhile, Danmi Kang has remained silent on the matter, choosing not to comment publicly on the scandal surrounding her ex-partner. However, sources close to the singer have indicated that she is deeply hurt and betrayed by Jiho's actions, and is currently taking time to process the situation privately.In the wake of this scandal, the future of Jiho's career hangs in the balance, as fans and industry professionals alike grapple with the fallout of his betrayal.

While some are calling for accountability and consequences for his actions, others are expressing sympathy for the toll this scandal has undoubtedly taken on all parties involved.As the K-pop world reels from this shocking revelation, one thing is clear: the truth behind Jiho and Danmi's breakup is far more complicated than initially portrayed, and the fallout from this scandal is likely to have far-reaching implications for all involved.

Double update🤸🏻‍♀️
Anyways guyyysss lando first winnnnn sjjwkwkwkwkkw😭😭😭😭

Our prayers have been answered 😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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