gin tonic

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There comes a time in life when you are officially an adult. Suddenly you are old enough to vote, drink, and engage in other adult activities. Suddenly everyone expects you to be responsible, serious, an adult.

We get older. We become "significant," but do we ever really grow up?
In some ways, of course, we do grow up. We have families, we get married, we get divorced.

But basically we still have the same problems we had when we were fifteen. No matter how old we are, we still stumble and doubt all the time. We stay young forever.

 We stay young forever

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Sasha Grant

Today is the day that my life begins. Today I become an adult. From today I am responsible. Not just for myself or my parents or my grades. From today I am responsible for the world, for the future, for all the possibilities that life has to offer, and I am starting today.
My job is to become active. With my eyes open. Eager and ready.

For what?
I have no idea.
For everything. For everything and everyone.

I will face life. I will face the responsibility and all the possibilities. Today, my dear friends, our life begins.

And I, for one, can't wait.

Elwood Dalton & Knox(best friends for life)

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Elwood Dalton & Knox
(best friends for life)

We spend our whole lives worrying about the future. We plan for the future. As if that will protect us from the power of the future....

But the future is always changing. The future is home to our deepest fears and our greatest hopes.

But one thing is certain:

When it finally reveals itself, the future is never what we imagined.

One thing that can hurt.
The truth hurts.

In fact, no one wants to hear the truth, especially when it hurts.

Sometimes we tell the truth because we can't give the other person more than the truth.

Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it out loud so that we can hear it ourselves.

And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves.

But sometimes we tell the truth because we owe the other person at least that much.

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