The next morning

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I had the uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched and opened my eyes only to look into the most beautiful and blue eyes I had ever seen. There was so much emotion when our eyes met that it warmed my heart. I had already suspected it, but it wasn't until yesterday that I really realized how much I actually loved Sarah. When she told me that she felt the same way about me, my world was perfect. Never had anyone ever said those three words to me. I wouldn't have wanted it from anyone else but her.

"Good morning," she greeted me with a smile. Our noses were already touching, so I could only see her smile in her eyes, but that light in them was enough to melt my heart. It was so incredible that I could put it on her face.

"Good morning," I answered her with a smile and kissed her gently. "Why do you watch me when I sleep?" I then asked her skeptically. There were definitely nicer things in her room that would be more worth staring at. Well, it would probably be weird if she lay next to me with a mirror to look at herself. For my part, however, I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the room - probably in the whole world.

"Because that's when you're the cutest," she teased as she gave me a kiss on the nose, but I involuntarily flinched because she poked my side with her finger at the same time.

"Well, thank you," I gasped when I had digested the first shock, but what she could do, I've been able to do for a long time!" But I can't get close to you for sure. You're so much sweeter," I said with a grin and began to tickle. She cried out laughing and tried to get away from me, but it was unsuccessful. God, I loved it when she laughed, especially like now, when we were both goofing around and she just seemed exuberant and happy.

"Good morning, you two!" I was startled by the call of a rather good-humored voice and I jumped up, pushed myself against the wall where Sarah's bed was standing and at the same time pressed a piece of the blanket against my stomach, the rest of which Sarah now had equally shocked, pulled to cover herself. Damned! Why had the blanket lasted us all night and now seemed far too small for us to hide under? I heard Sarah next to me a protesting 'MUM!' shout, my heart pounding in my ears and my head feeling like it would explode at any moment, while her mother stood in front of us, grinning and studying us. "Don't act like that, kids! I have lived for a year in a community with nudists before I met your father, Sarah. There's nothing I haven't seen before," she waved off, almost bored. If only she wouldn't keep grinning so cheekily! At least now I knew where Sarah got her dry sense of humor from. Her mother rolled her eyes in annoyance as we heard Charlie call from downstairs. 'Why didn't you ever tell me about that?!' So she shouted "Because you've got a stick up your ass, just like your brother! You Joneses are just too stiff!" to her husband as she turned towards the door and I couldn't help but chuckle at the comment and gave Sarah a cautious look, only to see that she felt the same way. "Oh, you're such a sweet couple! By the way, breakfast is almost ready!" Bonwyn turned to us again before she closed the door behind her.

"Your parents a pretty good mood!" I said hesitantly as I searched for the right words for this situation and couldn't find any better ones. It had been embarrassing to be caught like that by her mother, but she hadn't made us feel that we had to be embarrassed for too long.

"A nice way of saying embarrassing," Sarah murmured as she threw away the covers and reached into a drawer for some fresh underwear. I also scooted forward to the edge of the bed, but kept the blanket draped over my waist as I reached for my boxer shorts and pulled them on underneath - who knew if her mother wouldn't think of something else and storm right back into the room?! "I think this could be these moments that make a child want to move out more than ever," she added as she got dressed and I looked at her questioningly.

"Are you serious?" I asked her, perplexed. After all, she had taken such a liking to my parents when we spent the weekend at my place that she couldn't understand why I was happy about it on Sunday when we finally drove again. But my mother had also been really embarrassing - especially with her penchant for showing my girlfriend baby photos and recounting sins from my youth. Oh...right. There was something I still wanted to ask for!

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