Being Welcomed

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The past two days here in Hell have been pretty good. My new friend Aqua was still asleep from her injury. I understood the concept that day I met her. We’ve both been through a hard time, but that’s what makes us stronger. I just hoped that everything will be okay.

I started working in the kitchen today and I was so excited. There was a lot of silverware surrounding me. There were tools, pots, pans, and everything that I could’ve ever imagined. Charlie asked me earlier today to make something for everyone to see how good I was at cooking. It was basically like a test.

So I went through the kitchen to see what type of ingredients there were. I found quite a bit of stuff that was all around the kitchen. So in the process, I was preparing for the test.

I found everything that I needed to make the staff a chocolate lava cake and a classic upside down pineapple cake. While I was working, I felt like I was being watched right behind me.

I turned around and saw that big smiling demon again. I gasped and dropped the mixing bowl on the floor.

He greeted me with a bow. “Hello my darling. My name is Alastor.” he introduced himself to me.

“Alastor huh? Well, that’s a charming name.” I said as I picked up the mixing bowl. To be honest, his name kind of sounded familiar to me.

As we were talking and getting to each other, the timer went off. I went to grab my oven mitts to take out the cakes and put them in the refrigerator to cool. After a little while, I decorated the cakes and they smelled really good.

“Mmm, smells very scrumptious. May I have a bite my dear?” he asked me.

“Umm sure.” I said. I let him try some of my pineapple upside down cake.

After he gave a taste. He looked really excited. “Mmm mmm! This tastes really good.” he said with delight. “It tastes really good and it also reminds me of my mother's cooking.” he said as he took another bite of the cake.

I was glad and relieved that Alastor was enjoying my pineapple upside down cake. It caused me to wag my tail in happiness. I looked up at him enjoying the cake. After he was finished, he wiped his mouth and gave me that creepy smile once again.

“You do have a Charming smile. You really do sir.”

“Thank you my dear.”

“You’re welcome, it reminds me of a silly cat. But not the cat here, something I remember growing up but it is charming on you.”

It felt like he was still staring at me. And I felt at ease about it but in a good way for some reason. Pretty soon, I made sure he had extras for later if he was still hungry. He seemed pretty content about it.

“I thank you for feeding me this delightful dessert. My lady~” he said as he politely took my hand and gave it a kiss.

“O-Oh my.” I blushed so hard, I didn't know what this feeling was. But it felt so familiar. He is so unique, so out of the ordinary, so different. But all of it in a good way.

After he was finished with the dessert, he left the kitchen and I was still shocked on the fact that he did that. He was so nice, I try to shake it off. But it was glued to my head. So I finished up with what I did, but my mind kept on drifting about him. My heart was racing and that familiar feeling lingered in my mind. It felt the same when I was around Adam at the time.

“Rachel, are you finished?” Charlie asked me as she walked in.

“Umm yes, it’s done!” I said as I showed her the cakes.

She looked at the cakes and she was so excited to try them. She looked at the lava cake that I made earlier and she wanted to have a bite so badly.

“Vaggie come here!” she called her girlfriend to come.

“Okay I’m here.” Vaggie said as she came into the kitchen to join her.

They both took a bite of the chocolate lava cake and their faces were priceless. Charlie’s face lit up as if she was seeing stars. And Vaggie was in total heaven when she tried it.

“Oh. My. God.” they both said it at the same time.

I giggled slightly at their reactions. “So what do you girls think?” I asked them.

“Mmm! Oh my god!” Charlie said that. And she kept eating the lava cake until it was almost gone.

“My god that’s really really good.” Vaggie said as she was trying to get a hold of herself too trying to finish the other half of the lava cake. “You’re hired.” she gave me a thumbs up.

I was really happy that I finished and passed the test. I was really proud of myself.

Later that day, it was getting dark out. Angel Dust the pink spider tapped my shoulder. “Oh, hey Angel Dust.”

“Hey toots. If you want to see your friend, you can if you’d like. But she’s still asleep.” he said.

“Okay. I’ll go see her.” I said.

He brought me to his room and allowed me to go in. I quietly made my way towards his bed where Aqua was resting at. I sat at the edge of the bed and looked at her. She was sleeping so peacefully, I was relieved. A lot of rest should help her heal properly.

During the first few days we were here, I would slowly give her water here and there. And I would also make liquid types of food such as applesauce to get her the nutrients she needed. Angel Dust would do the rest like the cleaning and changing her clothes.

After I took care of Aqua for the night, I went back downstairs to be greeted by Alastor once again. He was being charming as usual.

“Hello my dear.” he bowed to me.

“Hi Alastor.”

“Do you need help with anything?” he asked me.

“No. Everything’s fine so far.” I said.

“That’s good. Let me know if you ever need anything.”

“Okay. I will.”

He took a bow and left to do his job as the bellhop.

I was really glad to be at home and welcomed into the hotel. Everybody was so nice especially living in hell.
It's only been 2 days since I've been at the hotel and yet I still feel so welcome here. Maybe life in Hell won’t be so terrible here after all. And I still hoped for my friend Aqua to wake up soon.

Give my one friend credit for this I did this line of my point of view and she helped me fix the parts that needed to be done LeonardoLover1106

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