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(Trigger warning: Includes sexual harassment and rape)

~The next day…

Today was super lousy. I scoffed as I was yet again cooped up in this fucking hotel. Last night wasn’t very pretty with me and Alastor. I was gonna have to stay in the hotel until he can trust me again. Everything just went down, and I thought I could handle it. But I couldn’t, which made me feel like total shit.

One day, I was in the lobby. I was overhearing Aqua talking to Angel.

“Husk really did that?!” Angel gasped.

“Yeah… he left me alone…” she sniffled. “And I thought  had a chance with him…” she said as she buried her face in her hands.

“It’s okay Aqua. It’s okay.” Angel said as he comforted her. “I’m really sorry he did that to you.”

I gasped knowing that the drunk ass cat was giving Aqua a really bad time. It made me get upset. But on the other hand, I felt bad about how I treated her last night. And for how much I scared her.

This was outrageous, I had so many problems and I couldn’t take it anymore. So I went through the back door of the hotel to get some fresh air. After I closed the door behind me, I was breathing in the air. It felt good to be outside again. This was my escape from everything.

As I was breathing in the air, my ears picked up a noise coming from behind me. I turned around. “Hello? Is anybody there?”

I looked around to see that there was nothing. Then my ears picked up the noise of faint breathing. And it was coming from behind me. I started to tremble as I slowly turned around to see a big shadow figure. I was about to run away until he stuck a knife on my back.

“Ah!” I screamed in pain.

The impact of the knife on my back was making me lose a lot of blood. I felt weak after he did that. Then I felt something being injected into my arm, I looked to see that there was a needle. I pulled away to fight off the shadowy figure, but my head was spinning like crazy.

“Hehe~” the shadow chuckled.

After I felt myself being drained, I felt myself collapsing on the floor. I felt very tired and very cold. I looked up to see who the perpetrator was, but the darkness in my eyes were catching up to me.

“Rest your head~ It’s time for bed~” the shadow smirked as I was slowly passing out.

After I fell into the void of unconsciousness, I felt so powerless. It felt like I was being pulled away from the only place that I know and loved. In my thoughts, I thought about everyone. Alastor, Nifty, even Aqua.

Damn… what I did to Aqua was really cruel of me. And after what I did to her, I felt like I deserve this. I never even got a chance to tell her that I’m sorry. I failed her, just like I failed everyone else. If only I was strong enough!

~2 hours later…

I felt cold water being splashed on me. “Ah!” I screamed as it made me wake up.

My mind was still on the fritz, but I looked around to see that I was in some kind of warehouse. It was big and full of boxes and tools.

“Finally awake my pet~?” a voice called out.

“Who’s there?!” I growled and tried to get up, but I looked to see that I was tied up to a table. And I was naked.

“It is I~” my kidnapper said as he smirked into the darkness and came into the light. “Slaughter~” A tall black and white clown appeared before me.

I gasped as I realized that it was him! My tormentor, my rapist, and my killer. Did I also mention that he was also my so called brother? No, I didn’t. I thought I was done with his tortured ways, but man was I way off the wrong track. He’s the reason how I died 11 years ago.

Another clown came out looking pretty pissed. He was a black and red clown. “You idiot! You brought me the wrong wolf! I wanted the white one, not this ugly piece of shitty trash!”

“Let me go you son of a bitch!” I said as I was struggling to break free.

Slaughter smirked and grabbed my face painfully. “I don’t think I could let you go. Ever~”

I was trying to look away, but his force was too strong. I was tied down to the table. I felt really sick to my stomach. And it felt like I really did deserve this after what I did to Aqua.

“Slaughter! I demand that you kill this son of a bitch! Get it out of my face! I want you to do something with it. Chop it up, throw it away!”

“Damn RedClaw. You’re so impatient~” Slaughter said to the clown named RedClaw. “You’ll get your little mermaid soon~”

I gasped knowing that RedClaw was after Aqua! There was no doubt that the other clown was her own perpetrator.

“You had one job!” RedClaw grew pretty mad.

Slaughter smirked at me and smelled me. “Mmm, you smell good~ And it makes me wanna hurt you even more~” he spat at my face.

“Fuck off!” I growled and shook his saliva out of my face. I was feeling really powerless. I couldn't do anything at all. All I could do was lay there and take the punishment.

“Now then, it’s time for you to take your punishment~” Slaughter smirked as he was touching my breasts.

I wanted to scream so badly, but he puts a cloth and then some duct tape to my mouth so I couldn't speak or scream. He began to unbuckle his pants while RedClaw left the room. I screamed underneath the cloth and tape.

‘Somebody! Somebody help me!’ my thoughts screamed out.

He started touching my private parts and I felt really really sick. I felt used like a wet rag and I didn't want this at all. I felt tears running down my cheeks and all I could do was lay there all tied up.

~1 hour later…

Slaughter has his way with me for so long and it felt so bad. It hurts so much after he use his belt to smack me down into the belt. It was at this point that I couldn't move anymore. And it was also the fact that I knew that no one was coming to my rescue. I knew that this was the end of me all over again.

“What the fuck?! Attack them!” I heard a voice from behind the door.

My ears picked up some voices from behind the door. I looked at the door and heard fighting noises coming from outside, there was hope?! There is hope!

“The hell was that?” Slaughter said as he got off me. “You stay here and keep that pussy warm~” he said as he left the room while pulling his pants up.

I heard more yelling and fighting noises outside the door. And here I am feeling so trapped and stuck in the bed.

“You better tell me where my girlfriend is you motherfucker!!!” I heard Alastor outside the door.

‘Alastor! He really did come for me after all!’ I thought to myself. And just like that, I used the very last bit of my strength to release myself from the restraints of the bed.

“Ahh…” I rolled off the bed and ended up on the floor. I crawled weakly into the floor and made my way to the door, while I left behind a trail of my golden blood. With all the strength I had left, I took the tape and cloth out of my mouth. “H-Help!” I screamed out.

I collapsed fully on the floor and was about to close my eyes.

“She’s here! I found her!” a familiar female voice called out.

“We need to take her back now!” another familiar voice said.

I looked up to see that the door was open. And that I saw Alastor and Aqua standing there scared and worried. I smiled weakly until I closed my eyes fully, slipping into unconsciousness once again.

{{ from now on everybody should give credit to my good friend that helps me with these chapters LeonardoLover1106

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